
Why is being a judge important?

Why is being a judge important?

The role of the judge is to keep order or to tell you the sentence of the person. In cases with a jury, the judge is responsible for insuring that the law is followed, and the jury determines the facts. In cases without a jury, the judge also is the finder of fact.

What do you say in court?

Here are some general guidelines on what to say and do in court:

  • If you are not in the process of formally presenting your case, don’t say ANYTHING unless judge asks you a question.
  • Don’t EVER interrupt the judge.
  • Call the judge “Your Honor” if addressing the judge directly.
  • Stand when you are speaking.

How do you start a court case speech?

Opening Statement Checklist

  1. State your theme immediately in one sentence.
  2. Tell the story of the case without argument.
  3. Persuasively order your facts in a sequence that supports your theme.
  4. Decide whether to address the bad facts in the opening or not.
  5. Do not read your opening statement.
  6. Bring an outline, if necessary.

How do you speak in court?


  1. DO speak calmly and clearly.
  2. DO use the proper forms of address.
  3. DO be polite.
  4. DO stand when you address the court.
  5. DO make eye contact with the judge when you are speaking.
  6. DO ask for clarification if you are unclear about something.
  7. DO thank the judge for listening.
  8. DO arrive early to court.

How can I be calm in court?

Here are five ways you can shine with a calm presence in court.

  1. Stick to the Facts.
  2. Let Your Attorney do the Heavy Lifting.
  3. Get Your Emotions in Check.
  4. Make Sure You are Playing Reasonably.
  5. Take Court Seriously.

Do I have to talk in court?

Can you do this, or do you have to speak in court? You may be asked to state your name for the court or answer yes or no as to whether you understand the charges you face, but unless you want to speak, you won’t be asked to talk in front of the court.

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