Why is commercial drilling in the Gulf of Mexico challenging?

Why is commercial drilling in the Gulf of Mexico challenging?

The majority of domestically-produced oil comes from wells in the Gulf. Many near-shore wells have been pumped dry, leading to deeper wells and the need for more sophisticated drilling technology. As wells get deeper and the number of pipelines to mainland increase, the risk of oil spills also increases.

Why is the Gulf of Mexico important to the US economy?

Abundant natural and living resources provide the basis for a thriving Gulf Coast economy. The region is one of the most productive areas for natural resources in the country. Over 90% of the U.S. oil and gas production occurs in the Gulf of Mexico, providing billions of dollars to the regional economy.

Why do we drill in the ocean?

You can find some oil deposits buried deep under the ocean floor.” The MODU’s job is to drill down into the ocean’s floor to find oil deposits. The part of the drill that extends below the deck and through the water is called the riser. The riser allows for drilling fluids to move between the floor and the rig.

What do we get out of digging a well on the ocean floor?

When the drilling of a well is finished, it is initially capped at the sea floor with a wellhead. Only then can the drill platform be moved away. Later a production platform will be installed in its place. Then the wellhead is opened again and the natural gas or oil is extracted from the reservoir.

Are oil rigs bad for the environment?

Exploring and drilling for oil may disturb land and marine ecosystems. Seismic techniques used to explore for oil under the ocean floor may harm fish and marine mammals. Drilling an oil well on land often requires clearing an area of vegetation.

How does oil affect climate change?

The Problem With Oil: Global Warming Burning oil releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, contributing to the warming of our planet. In order to avoid the worst impacts of climate change, scientists say the world cannot afford to burn more than one-third of known oil reserves.

What are the dangers of working on an oil rig?

One of the major hazards to workers employed on oil rigs is fire. Petroleum is highly flammable, as are several chemicals regularly used in onshore drilling, including hydrogen sulfide. A well can also build up too much pressure, which may lead to an explosion if it is not corrected in time.

How many animals died from the BP oil spill?

An estimated 4,900–7,600 large juvenile and adult sea turtles and between 56,000–166,000 small juvenile sea turtles were killed by the spill. Furthermore, an estimated 35,000 hatchlings were lost due to the effects of the spill and associated clean-up activities on sea turtle nesting beaches.

How much did it cost to clean up the Deepwater Horizon oil spill?

It cost BP $4 billion to contain and clean up the mess and another $4 billion to $5 billion in penalties. Satellite images showed the oil slick covering 68,000 square miles and impacting the shoreline from Gulfport, Mississippi to Pensacola, Florida.

Which oil rig catches fire?

the Deepwater Horizon

Do oil rigs move?

They are fully mobile and rotational, much like normal ships. As a result, they’re nice and simple to move. But, these rigs aren’t much in comparison to the large ocean rigs. Shallow water jack-up rigs appear to be the current oil rig of choice for drilling companies.

How fast do oil rigs move?

GT: At what speed can you move an oil rig? DW: As fast as they can be towed, to be honest. If it is a wet tow where the rig is moved by tugs, around 3-4 knots for a jack up and 5 knots for a floater. On a dry transportation when they are loaded onto a ship they can travel around 14 knots.

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