
Why is Islamabad famous?

Why is Islamabad famous?

The city is known for the presence of several parks and forests, including the Margalla Hills National Park and the Shakarparian. The city is home to several landmarks, with the most notable one being the Faisal Mosque − the largest mosque in South Asia and the fifth largest in the world.

What is the history of Islamabad?

Islamabad History. The capital city of Pakistan, Islamabad is located in the northwest of the country on Potohar Plateau. The city was built in 1960 to replace Karachi as the Pakistani capital, which it has been since 1963. Due to Islamabad’s proximity to Rawalpindi, they are considered sister cities.

What language is Islamabad?


What is the main religion in Pakistan?

Religion of Pakistan. Almost all of the people of Pakistan are Muslims or at least follow Islamic traditions, and Islamic ideals and practices suffuse virtually all parts of Pakistani life. Most Pakistanis belong to the Sunni sect, the major branch of Islam.

What is Pakistan’s language?


Is Pakistan Arab?

The term Pakistan is an acronym patterned on place names used in Central Asia, names that were brought to India by rulers of Central Asian origin who eventually merged or became an integral part of India. They are not Arabic in origin.

Is Hindi spoken in Pakistan?

Hindi is also spoken amongst the small Indian community in Pakistan. The Indian High Commission in Islamabad operated a Hindi school which gave classes to the children of expatriates.

What is the strongest Arab country?

Saudi Arabia

Who has the best army in the world 2020?

The 5 Most Powerful Armies in the World

  • 5) Japan. Japan’s armed forces have to contend with a volatile neighbor in North Korea. (
  • 4) India. India has an estimated 1,444,000 people actively serving in its armed forces. (
  • 3) China.
  • 2) Russia.
  • 1) United States.

Which country has no navy?

Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan – Although both countries border the Caspian Sea, the Caspian is not connected to any ocean by natural waterway. By some definitions, this makes the two countries landlocked. Both Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan operate small navies on the Caspian Sea.

Who has the smallest army in the world?

Vatican City

Which is the first largest navy in the world?

China has the world’s largest navy — what now for the US? A US defense report estimates China has the world’s largest naval fleet and is churning out new ships faster than ever.

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