Why is it called can of corn?

Why is it called can of corn?

can of corn. A high, easy-to-catch, fly ball hit to the outfield. The phrase is said to have originated in the nineteenth-century and relates to an old-time grocer’s method of getting canned goods down from a high shelf.

Who said can of corn?

Its name is a notorious eponym of Mario Mendoza, a shortstop who played for nine seasons with the Pittsburgh Pirates, Seattle Mariners, and Texas Rangers.

Why is it called a pop fly?

(in baseball) a high fly ball hit to the infield or immediately beyond it that can easily be caught before reaching the ground. Also called pop-up. [1885–90, Amer.]

Why is fastball called Cheese?

In MLB parlance “cheese” is a fastball with “something (extra) on it”. Thus, a high fastball that is very hard to catch up to is “high cheese”.

What does P mean in baseball?

Pitches Per Inning Pitched (P/IP)

What does C stand for in baseball?

Position abbreviations used in Fantasy Baseball

Pos What it Means Who is Eligible
C Catcher Only catchers
CI Corner Infield Any first or third baseman
MI Middle Infield Any second baseman or shortstop
IF Infield Any infielder (1B, 2B, 3B, SS)

What does RA stand for in baseball?

run average

What is a 3 pitch inning called?

You’ve probably heard of it — an immaculate inning is when a pitcher strikes out all three batters in an inning, on three pitches each. The immaculate inning used to be very rare — there were none from 1929-52.

Has anyone ever bunted a home run?

Yes. In 1893 Bob “Binky Myers laid down a bunt that all the infielders converged upon. They individually charged so hard that they ran into one another and all were knocked out cold. Binky circled the bases with ease, and despite having no challenge to his race around the bases, dramatically slid into home plate.

Can you bunt a home run?

A bunt home run is impossible, because if there is slew of errors that allows the runner to run around the bases, it’s considered a single(or out or whatever) with advancements due to errors.

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