
Why is it important to be clean?

Why is it important to be clean?

Personal health and personal hygiene go hand-in-hand. As we age our immune system is not as robust as it once was. This means that keeping up good personal hygiene practices can prevent you from catching or spreading forms of disease or illness.

Should I clean my house everyday?

To keep everything neat, Good Housekeeping recommends that you perform certain cleaning tasks every day, including sweeping the kitchen floor, wiping down the kitchen counters, and sanitizing the sinks. As for big projects like deep-cleaning carpets and windows, you only need to do those once a year.

Why is it so hard to keep my house clean?

1. Too much stuff. This is a very common and significant hurdle to keeping a tidy house. If you simply have too much stuff crammed inside your walls, it will be nearly impossible to maintain a state of organization and to clean efficiently.

What would happen if we live in a dirty house?

If your living room has not been vacuumed or its curtains are not clean, then you risk exposing you and your family to allergy-inducing dust mites, pet dander, mold, and other free-floating debris. These problems can also trigger asthma attacks in people who are prone to them.

Does dirty house affect your health?

There is increasing evidence to suggest that a messy house affects both mental and physical health. In fact, a messy home can make you more susceptible to colds and flus as well as stress and anxiety. While keeping on top of housekeeping can be time-consuming, the health benefits make the time commitment well worth it.

Can a father get custody with no job?

There is no requirement to have a job to get custody. In fact, not having a job is the position of most all stay at home moms, by definition. So, the mere fact that you are not employed should not impact your ability to be the primary residential parent of the child.

How will a judge decide who gets custody?

Judges must decide custody based on “the best interests of the child.” The “best interests of the child” law requires courts to focus on the child’s needs and not the parent’s needs. The law requires courts to give custody to the parent who can meet the child’s needs best .

How does child support work if mother has no job?

When a mother does not work and has custody of a child, her ability to meet the best interests of the child is more limited. If the mother is not working but has income or savings which are sufficient to meet expenses for herself and the child, the courts may decide that an increase in support is not appropriate.

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