
Why is it important to explain your evidence?

Why is it important to explain your evidence?

Justifying your position verbally or explaining yourself will force you to strengthen the evidence in your paper. If you already have enough evidence but haven’t connected it clearly enough to your main argument, explaining to your friend how the evidence is relevant or what it proves may help you to do so.

What is the purpose of supportive evidence in an essay?

Supporting evidence proves a claim to be true. Supporting evidence can be a summary, paraphrased or a direct quote. Supporting evidence is a crucial part in body paragraphs and it is important to be discerning in the evidence chosen.

How does evidence support a claim?

Evidence serves as support for the reasons offered and helps compel audiences to accept claims. In a public speech, they offer audiences a way to see an idea illustrated in a particular case. To be effective, specific instances need to be representative of the broader trend or idea they are supporting.

What is appropriate and sufficient evidence?

Sufficiency is the measure of the quantity of audit evidence. Appropriateness is the measure of the quality of audit evidence; that is, its relevance and its reliability in providing support for the conclusions on which the auditor’s opinion is based.

Which of the following is the best example of a corroborating evidence?

The best example of the corroborating evidence is Purchase Orders, which are helpful in obtaining the information. c . The sales invoice can be used as a supporting document from which relationship between accounts receivable and credit sales are established which in turn throws highest level of evidence. b .

Which of the following is the most objective type of evidence?

Which of the following is the most objective type of evidence? the physical count of securities and cash. Evidence is generally considered appropriate when: it has the qualities of being relevant, objective, and free from known bias.

Which of the following is an example of objective evidence?

The term includes any statement of fact that somebody documented and based on verifiable tests, observations, or measurements. Evidence that is objective may, for example, be a test log, test report, review report, or non-conformance report.

Which of the following factors is most important in determining the appropriateness of audit evidence?

Which of the following factors is most important in determining the appropriateness of audit evidence? A measure of the quality of audit evidence, and includes both the relevance and reliability of the evidence.

Which of the following provides the best definition of audit evidence?

Which of the following provides the best definition of audit evidence? All information available to the auditor regarding the client, as long as it was not provided by the client. The underlying accounting data and any additional information available to the auditor, whether originating from the client or externally.

What is audit evidence and types?

The auditor can obtain different types of audit evidence, and it includes Physical Examination, documentation, analytical procedure, observations, confirmations, inquiries, etc.

What are the sources of evidence?

Evidence is published in a wide range of sources including journals, books, research reports, and increasingly directly onto websites. Sources may contain different types of information, such as clinical guidelines, systematic reviews, controlled trials or qualitative research.

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