Why is it important to understand philosophical assumptions in research?

Why is it important to understand philosophical assumptions in research?

Philosophical perspectives are important because, when made explicit, they reveal the assumptions that researchers are making about their research, leading to choices that are applied to the purpose, design, methodology and methods of the research, as well as to data analysis and interpretation.

What are implicit philosophical assumptions?

A tacit assumption or implicit assumption is an assumption that underlies a logical argument, course of action, decision, or judgment that is not explicitly voiced nor necessarily understood by the decision maker or judge.

What are the philosophical assumptions in your work?

Four Philosophical Assumptions They are beliefs about ontology (the nature of reality), epistemology (what counts as knowledge and how knowledge claims are justified), axiology (the role of values in research), and methodology (the process of research).

What are hidden assumptions examples?

Hidden assumptions are statements that are implied by your argument–statements that you need to get from A to Z. For instance, look at the statement: Joanne’s a lawyer, so she makes wonderful cookies.

What are value assumptions?

A prescriptive or value assumption is an implicit preference for one value over another in a particular context. It indicates what the communicator’s value priorities or value preferences are. These assumptions indicate the way that the author or writer thinks the world should be according to their values.

What are basic underlying assumptions?

Basic underlying assumptions are the things you actually believe. For example, at Know Your Team, we have a basic underlying assumption that we must be honest, regardless of the personal cost. So when we made a big mistake a few years ago, we proactively shared it with our customers, even it meant risking losing them.

What is a false assumption?

– Beliefs, Opinions, Assumptions become our Truths. We all have unique and individual experiences, yet we expect each other to think, act, and respond in the same way that we would. These false assumptions get us into trouble when we think others must behave in the same manner as we do, or their behavior is wrong.

How do you deal with false assumptions?

Five ways to clear away false assumptions that could kill a deal

  1. Explore the prospect’s knowledge gap. Rather than assume what prospects know, find out what they need to learn.
  2. Dig deeper. Probe to uncover the buyer’s specific problem.
  3. Confirm your understanding.
  4. Stick to the facts in evidence.
  5. Remember the learning curve.

What happens when you make assumptions?

When you make an assumption, you tell yourself that something is true without actually having any evidence that it is. It’s all too easy to lead your life never questioning that you are assuming things to be facts.

Are assumptions dangerous?

You’d probably assume that this person was dangerous so you’d stay away. But making assumptions can lead to some real problems. In fact, as my story shows, it can sometimes lead to a lot more problems and headaches than it ever solves. I had a friend once who was looking for a job.

How do I stop negative assumptions?

Here Are 7 Steps To Stop Making Negative Assumptions:

  1. Mindfulness. Notice without judgment (yeah, that’s the hard part).
  2. Let there be multiple possibilities.
  3. Play with your worst-case scenario.
  4. Transform assumptions into questions.
  5. Take initiative.
  6. Use the free-time toward yourself.
  7. Nourish your creativity.

Why do I make assumptions?

One way our brain saves energy is by making assumptions. We draw on our past experiences to find patterns in how the world works. When we encounter new situations, we apply these patterns—or assumptions—to the new environment. This process saves us the energy of analyzing each situation completely anew.

How assumptions can affect own Behaviour?

Assumptions negatively affect our relationships in several important ways. We unconsciously make assumptions and judgments about (1) other people’s behavior, (2) other people’s intentions behind their behavior, and (3) our own behavior and intentions.

How do you state an assumption?

When describing a decision you have made, explain to team members what information you analyzed to come to your conclusion. You can frame assumptions with a statement in this format: “If we move forward with [DESCRIPTION OF YOUR DECISION], and [YOUR ASSUMPTION] is true, then we will achieve [YOUR GOAL OR OBJECTIVE].”

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