Why is metacognition important for learning?

Why is metacognition important for learning?

Metacognition particularly assists students with additional educational needs in understanding learning tasks, in self-organising and in regulating their own learning. It allows them to become aware of their own thinking and to become proficient in choosing appropriate thinking strategies for different learning tasks.

What is metacognition and why should I care?

What is metacognition? It is very important that we empower our learners with strategies that will enable them to reflect on their own learning. Metacognition therefore describes the processes involved when learners plan, monitor, evaluate and make changes to their own learning behaviours.

What are the metacognition strategies?

Strategies for using metacognition when you study

  • Use your syllabus as a roadmap. Look at your syllabus.
  • Summon your prior knowledge.
  • Think aloud.
  • Ask yourself questions.
  • Use writing.
  • Organize your thoughts.
  • Take notes from memory.
  • Review your exams.

How does metacognition improve learning?

Metacognition helps students recognize the gap between being familiar with a topic and understanding it deeply. Research shows that even children as young as 3 benefit from metacognitive activities, which help them reflect on their own learning and develop higher-order thinking.

How do you master metacognition?

Strategies for using metacognition when you study

  1. Use your syllabus as a roadmap. Look at your syllabus.
  2. Summon your prior knowledge.
  3. Think aloud.
  4. Ask yourself questions.
  5. Use writing.
  6. Organize your thoughts.
  7. Take notes from memory.
  8. Review your exams.

What are the two aspects of metacognition?

There are generally two components of metacognition: (1) knowledge about cognition and (2) regulation of cognition. Metamemory, defined as knowing about memory and mnemonic strategies, is an especially important form of metacognition.

What are the different types of metacognition?

Types of Metacognitive Knowledge

  • Declarative knowledge.
  • Procedural knowledge.
  • Conditional knowledge.

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