Why is Spanish important in business?

Why is Spanish important in business?

From a business standpoint, speaking another person’s native language helps win trust. “Global companies look at people who have global skills,” Birmingham says. “And the ability to speak other languages, especially Spanish, is a global skill.” Spanish-speaking ability is also important in the US.

What is the benefits of learning Spanish?

Learning a second language helps boost your memory and keeps your mind sharp. Furthermore, learning Spanish can help prevent Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. Think I’m just making it up? Studies have shown that bilinguals have been diagnosed 5 years later than those that speak just one language.

Why is it important to learn Spanish as a banker?

Successful bankers look for ways to broaden the market. It is evident that non-English speaking persons are underserved in this sector. If you want to expand your business and serve new markets, then learning another language and being able to explain complicated banking terminology is key.

Does knowing Spanish help you get a job?

As for job opportunities, it certainly wouldn’t hurt to have Spanish on your résumé. In the United States, knowing Spanish can be particularly helpful if you work in healthcare or education. If you are bilingual, you will be more marketable and have more career choices than your monolingual counterpart.

What is the importance of Spanish in the world?

Why is Spanish so important? The importance of the Spanish language is undeniable. Spanish is the official language of 21 countries and is spoken by over native speakers. The figure grows to speakers world-wide when people who speak it as a second language are also taken into account.

Is learning Spanish worth it?

In both Europe and the US, Spanish is the most commonly spoken language after English. It is also the officially spoken language of four continents. This makes learning Spanish very beneficial, especially for those in business simply due to the number of people who speak it.

Why is Spanish a language?

Spanish, along with others like French, Italian and Portuguese, is one of the Romance languages–a family of modern languages with foundations in Latin. Spanish derived many of its rules of grammar and syntax from Latin, and around 75% of Spanish words have Latin roots.

How many countries use Spanish?

20 countries

What are the 22 countries that speak Spanish?

The 22 Spanish Speaking Countries of the World

  • Argentina.
  • Bolivia.
  • Chile.
  • Colombia.
  • Costa Rica.
  • Cuba.
  • Ecuador.
  • El Salvador.

What are the 21 Spanish countries?

Spanish is the official or co-language of the following countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Uruguay, Venezuela and Spain.

What percentage of the world speaks Spanish 2020?


Do bilinguals earn more money?

Studies have shown that bilingual employees can earn between 5% and 20% more money per hour than those who speak only one language. Reports have shown that pay differentials for bilingual workers can increase base hourly pay anywhere between 5-20% per hour.

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