Why is terrace farming practiced in hilly areas?

Why is terrace farming practiced in hilly areas?

The terrace farming practised in hilly areas ’cause in hilly regions the water will not be properly holded and will flow away. Therefore, the terrace are made to hold the water properly and which will be easier for cultivation of crops. Hence, terraces are very useful in farming practices in hilly regions.

What is terrace farming Why is it popular in mountains?

Terrace farming is carried out on the slopes of the mountains. Terraces are built on the slopes of the mountains to create flat lands to grow crops. Terrace farming is useful as it slows down the speed of water running down the mountains. This conserves fertile top soil.

Why are terraces built for farming?

Terraces reduce the rate of runoff and allow soil particles to settle out. The resulting cleaner water is then carried off the field in a non-erosive manner. Terraces are used to reduce sheet and rill erosion and prevent gully development. Grassed frontslopes and backslopes of some terraces provide cover for wildlife.

Where is terrace farming done and why?

Terrace farming was invented by the Inca people who lived in the South American mountains. This farming method has made cultivation of crops in hilly or mountainous regions possible. It is commonly used in Asia by rice-growing countries such as Vietnam, Philippines, and Indonesia.

Is terrace farming still used today?

Today, modern farmers are returning to the terrace farming practices used thousands of years ago as a more practical and productive way to raise the most food with the least water. Tea farmers also take advantage of terrace farming.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of terrace farming?

The primary advantage of terraces is improved soil erosion control. Secondary advantages of terraces include elimination of grass waterways that can be difficult to maintain and reductions in flooding. Disadvantages include the capital cost of building terraces, and the time required to maintain terraces.

Is terrace farming good or bad?

Terracing is one of the oldest means of saving soil and water. Existing literature and information shows that terraces can considerably reduce soil loss due to water erosion if they are well planned, correctly constructed and properly maintained. If not maintained, they can provoke land degradation.

What is the advantage of terrace?

Terraces are formed by cut and fill areas. By filling areas, the arable land can be expanded, thus making it possible to grow crops on a large scale in hilly areas. The ridges or embankments play an important role in the interception of runoff and field water.

Is terrace farming bad?

One major disadvantage of terracing is rainwater saturation of the ground. This happens when terracing retains too much water, which is absorbed into the ground. Additionally, if not properly maintained, terraces can lead to greater soil erosion, often downslope from the terracing, than in non-terraced areas.

What is terrace farming one word?

Terrace farming is the practice of cutting flat areas out of a hilly or mountainous landscape in order to grow crops or in other words method of growing crops on sides of hills or mountains by planting on graduated terraces built into the slope. Terrace farming is practised mainly in hilly areas.

Which place is famous for terrace farming?

In India, terrace cultivation takes place in the states of Uttaranchal, Punjab, Meghalaya, Haryana, Plains of Uttar Pradesh and Himachal Pradesh. Terrace farming is easily seen on the roadside valleys of Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh.

Which crops are grown in terrace farming?

Paddy, cereals, berries, vegetables, flowers, medicinal plants, aromatic plants, colouring plants, wheat, maize, rice, pulses, oilseeds, millets, buckwheat, saffron, black cumin, grain amaranth, spices, etc. are some crops grown using terrace farming.

Is a terrace a balcony?

A terrace is an open space that can be attached or detached to a building. In contrast, balconies are small elevated platforms that are affixed to a given room in the house. Whereas a terrace can have multiple points of access, a balcony is typically only accessible through the room.

What are the two advantages of terrace farming?

In particular, terrace agriculture: Increases farmability and land productivity of sloped fields. Contributes to water conservation: slows down and reduces water runoffs, improves rainwater harvesting. Prevents soil erosion by decreasing rill formations.

What is the other name of terrace farming?

Terrace farming (also called step farming) is a method of farming that consists of different “steps” or terraces that were developed in various places around the world. The Rice Terraces of the Philippine Cordilleras (hills and mountains) is a World Heritage Site. It dates back two thousand years.

How do I start terrace farming?

So this is how you get started with your terrace vegetable garden:

  1. Gather all the material you will need:
  2. Plan A Layout For Your Terrace Vegetable Garden.
  3. Preparing The Soil.
  4. Choose The Planting Containers.
  5. Choosing The Vegetables.
  6. Start Planting Your Vegetables In Pots.
  7. Don’t Let Your Plants Remain Thirsty.

How are terraces made?

Terrace farming is a technique of farming whereby “steps” known as terraces are built onto the slopes of hills and mountains. Whenever it rains, instead of rain carrying away the soil nutrients and plants down the slope, they flow to the next terrace. Every step has an outlet that channels the water to the next step.

What is difference between contour Ploughing and terrace farming?

Contour ploughing is the ploughing, done at right angles to the hill slopes, ridges and furrows so that the elevation prevents soil erosion by wind and water. Terrace farming alters the shape of the slope to produce flat areas whereas contour ploughing follows the natural shape of the slope without altering it.

What is contour Ploughing Class 8?

Contour ploughing is a farming practice which involves ploughing the land along contour lines. It refers to planting across the slope rather than along it. The planting is done perpendicularly to the slope instead of being done in a parallel manner.

What is contour Ploughing in simple words?

Contour bunding or contour farming or Contour ploughing is the farming practice of plowing and/or planting across a slope following its elevation contour lines. Contour ploughing helps to reduce soil erosion.

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