Why is the crucible titled The Crucible?
Miller intended “The Crucible” as an allegory to McCarthyism. The events that took place during the time the play was written were very similar to the Salem witch hunts. This is why Miller named the book “The crucible” after the salem trials.
How is the title crucible symbolism?
As far as the title of the play is concerned, it is a highly symbolic one. The crucible itself means a melting pot in which metals are melted to remove their impurities and to get them pure. Ultimately these metals become stag free. Symbolically speaking we can say that the same thing is happened in this play.
What is the significance and or symbolism of the title of the crucible?
What is the significance of the title in The Crucible? The title of The Crucible effectively helps us to understand the play in a deeper and more thorough way as the definitions of the noun ‘crucible’ reflects the themes of the play such as moral, reputation, courage, righteousness, hysteria and truth.
What is the meaning of crucible in the title of the play what kind of play does this title lead you to expect?
Only $2.99/month. What is the meaning of crucible in the title of the play? A test or trial. What kind of play does this title lead you to expect? Dramatic.
Is Proctor in love with Abigail?
John’s feelings for Abigail are not entirely clear to us at the beginning of the play. He spends time with her in the first act, and is kind to her, although he also makes it clear that he is not going to resume their affair.
What motivates Tituba to suggest that someone else is bewitching the children?
Tituba insists that someone else is bewitching the children because the devil has many witches in his service. Hale counsels her to open herself to God’s glory, and he asks if she has ever seen someone that she knows from Salem with the devil. Putnam suggests Sarah Good or Goody Osburn, two local outcasts.
What happens in the woods before Act I that causes Betty’s mysterious illness?
What happens in the woods before Act I that causes Betty’s mysterious illness? Abigail and the other girls were with Tituba in the forest, dancing and performing rituals. He is unable to find a cure for Betty’s illness and suggests they look to “unnatural causes” (witchcraft) for the reason she is “ill.”
What inference can you make about Abigail’s discharge from the proctors?
What conclusion can you draw about Abigail’s discharge from the Proctors? Goody Proctor suspected the relationship between her husband and Abigail. A word that means the opposite of naive is: knowledgeable.
What reason does Abigail give Parris for her discharge as the Proctors servant?
The reason Abigail gives Parris for her discharge as the Proctor’s servant because she doesn’t want to be a slave.
How does Abigail succeed in controlling the investigation?
Abigail is too strong-willed for him to prevail even if Mary is firm & Elizabeth does not lie. How does Abigail succeed in controlling the investigation? She is defiant & intimitating.
Why does Abigail confess to witchcraft knowing that it is punishable?
Abigail is afraid the other girls will confess what was truly going on in the woods and she doesn’t want to get into trouble. She admits that Tituba and Ruth were conjuring spirits only to save Betty from being accused of witchcraft.
Who doesn’t believe in witchcraft in The Crucible?
Miller intimates (via stage directions) that Putnam doesn’t necessarily believe in witchcraft – he just is looking for a way to gain power and/or make Parris do something dumb that he can then exploit: “at the moment he is intent upon getting Parris, for whom he has only contempt, to move toward the abyss” (p. 14).
Who died in the crucible play?
About a month later on July 19, 1692, Sarah Good, Rebecca Nurse, Susannah Martin, Elizabeth Howe and Sarah Wildes were executed. Five more were hanged on August 19, 1692, including one woman (Martha Carrier) and four men (John Willard, Reverend George Burroughs, George Jacobs, Sr. and John Proctor).
Who accused Tituba of witchcraft?
Elizabeth Parris