
Why is war not necessary?

Why is war not necessary?

War means power because without power you have no control over people. War involves innocent people getting hurt and families being separated. Usually people don’t want to go into war, but they do it for different reasons.

What’s the meaning of necessary evil?

A necessary evil is an evil that someone believes must be done or accepted because it is necessary to achieve a better outcome—especially because possible alternative courses of action or inaction are expected to be worse.

Is a necessary evil examples?

Example Sentences Getting a good education is seen by some as a necessary evil to get a chance at a better life. David’s marriage to Ann is simply a necessary evil. No matter the lawyer’s strong case of self-defence, the judge just couldn’t see the murder as a necessary evil.

Why is friction a necessary evil?

Frictional force causes a lot of losses in general upkeep and wear and tear of machinery. Hence it is considered as a evil. But almost all crucial tasks cannot be carried out without the presence of friction. Hence it is considered as a necessary evil .

Which of the following is called Necessary Evil?


Which is an anti Transpirant?

Antitranspirants are compounds applied to the leaves of plants to reduce transpiration. Metabolic inhibitors reduce the stomatal opening and increase the leaf resistance to water vapour diffusion without affecting carbon dioxide uptake. Examples include phenylmercury acetate, abscisic acid (ABA), and aspirin.

What does Guttation mean?

: the exudation of liquid water from the uninjured surface of a plant leaf.

Why transpiration is a necessary?

Transpiration is important to the plant to produce a cooling effect to the plant at hot conditions and to enable the transport of water and mineral salts from the soil to the leaves.

Why is transpiration evil?

Transpiration occurs through the stomata. Thus transpiration is called as a necessary evil because it is an inevitable process. The loss of water can lead to wilting, serious desiccation, and shortage of water. Transpiration helps in the ascent of the sap and the pulling of the water from the roots to the tips.

What is transpiration caused by?

Transpiration is the loss of water from the plant through evaporation at the leaf surface. Transpiration is caused by the evaporation of water at the leaf–atmosphere interface; it creates negative pressure (tension) equivalent to –2 MPa at the leaf surface.

What is transpiration and why is it important?

Transpiration is the process in which plant roots absorb water and then release the water in the form of vapour through the leaves. Transpiration is an important factor in the water cycle as it is one of the major sources of water into the atmosphere.

What are the 3 functions of transpiration?


  • transporting mineral ions.
  • providing water to keep cells turgid in order to support the plant.
  • providing water to leaf cells for photosynthesis.
  • keeping the leaves cool by evaporation.

What happens if there is no transpiration in plants?

Answer. If the process of transpiration stops in plants, then the excess water inside the plants will not be able to come out. Hence, the plants will burst due to the presence of excess of water inside them.

What is the significance of transpiration Class 10?

Cools the surface of the leaves. Helps in growth and development. It controls the temperature of the plants. Allows the movement of minerals from the soil to different parts of the plant.

What process in plants is known as transpiration Class 10?

Transpiration is the process of water movement through a plant and its evaporation from aerial parts, such as leaves, stems and flowers.

What is transpiration class 10th?

Transpiration is the evaporation of water into the atmosphere from the leaves and stems of plants. he process of loss of through stomata in form of water is transpiration.

What is transpiration and its function?

The water, warmed by the sun, turns into vapor (evaporates), and passes out through thousands of tiny pores (stomata) mostly on the underside of the leaf surface. This is transpiration. It has two main functions: cooling the plant and pumping water and minerals to the leaves for photosynthesis.

Where is the stomata located?

Stomata are cell structures in the epidermis of tree leaves and needles that are involved in the exchange of carbon dioxide and water between plants and the atmosphere.

What is photosynthesis short answer?

Photosynthesis is a process by which phototrophs convert light energy into chemical energy, which is later used to fuel cellular activities. The chemical energy is stored in the form of sugars, which are created from water and carbon dioxide.

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