Why should a spare set of meeting documents be prepared?

Why should a spare set of meeting documents be prepared?

It is important to prepare a spare set of documents for participants who may not have had time to print the documentation or did not receive their documentation in time for the meeting or may have inadvertently not brought them with to the meeting.

What should you do when preparing documentation for meetings?


  1. Identify the type of meeting and its purpose.
  2. Identify and comply with legal and ethical requirements.
  3. Identify the requirements of meeting and participants.
  4. Make meeting arrangements in accordance with the requirements of meeting.
  5. Advise participants of meeting details.

What are the three most important meeting documents?

The Big 3 Documents You Need to Have in Your Meetings

  • Agenda. An agenda is not a speech script. Your agenda is there to help keep the meeting focused.
  • Strategic Plan. Strategic planning and management is important.
  • Minutes. Minutes are how you take notes of your meetings — you know that.

How do you identify participants in a meeting?

Identifying participants

  1. have a thorough knowledge and understanding of the issues to be dealt with.
  2. have the power to make a decision.
  3. are able to implement a decision or take the project to the next stage.
  4. are representatives of a group that will be affected by decisions made at the meeting.

Should names be mentioned in minutes?

The minutes should include the title of the group that is meeting; the date, time, and venue; the names of those in attendance (including staff) and the person recording the minutes; and the agenda. Generally, don’t include names.

Who is usually the person who takes the minutes of a meeting?

The person who takes minutes or notes in a meeting is normally called or known as either a secretary, scribe, recorder or even a notetaker.

What are the three types of minutes?

There are three standard styles of minutes: action, discussion, and verbatim. Each style has a specific use. Action minutes record the decisions reached and the actions to be taken, though not recording the discussion that went into making the decisions. This is the most common form of minutes used.

Why is it important that minutes are accurate?

The main goal of minute-taking (or ‘scribing’) a meeting is to accurately record and clearly present the proceedings and outcomes of the meeting. Accurate minutes are necessary for meeting attendees, who will later need to ratify the minutes, and implement the decisions or actions decided on at the meeting.

What are the characteristics of good minutes?

The following are characteristics of good meeting minutes:

  • Records attendance. Good meeting minutes indicates those who were invited before the meeting and those who actually attended.
  • Decisions, actions and owners.
  • Report and relevant files.
  • Use a structured format.
  • Distribute the minutes.

What are the purposes of meetings?

What is a Meeting? A meeting is where a group of people come together to discuss issues, to improve communication, to promote coordination or to deal with any matters that are put on the agenda and to help get any jobs done.

Why do we use meeting minutes?

Meeting minutes document the most important points discussed during a meeting. They serve several purposes: Inform absent team members of the discussion and decisions made….

  • Note the important details.
  • Keep it simple.
  • Format notes after the meeting.
  • Have notes reviewed.
  • Distribute.

Who organizes a meeting?

the person who is in charge of a meeting or committee. Many people prefer to say chair or chairperson, because the word chairman suggests that the person in this position is always a man.

How do you write a good meeting minutes?

How to write meeting minutes

  1. Prepare a template before the meeting begins.
  2. Take notes about important actions, decisions, assigned projects and discussions.
  3. Collect copies of any reports or presentations.
  4. Review your notes and ask any final questions.
  5. Type your meeting notes in easily understandable paragraphs.

What is the best note-taking app?

Best note-taking apps of 2021

  • Microsoft 365.
  • Evernote.
  • Ulysses.
  • Simplenote.
  • Bear.
  • Dropbox Paper.
  • Google Keep.
  • Atom.

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