Why the uplink and downlink frequencies are different in a satellite?

Why the uplink and downlink frequencies are different in a satellite?

Since a mobile station (cellphone) cannot afford to transmit at high power to compensate for this loss, it must transmit on a lower frequency as a lower frequency presents lesser free space path loss. Therefore, mobile-to-base station (uplink) frequencies are lower than base station-to-mobile(downlink) frequencies.

Why frequency band for uplink and downlink is different in transmission of microwaves through space?

Answer: Uplink frequency is kept higher than Downlink frequency for the following reasons: At higher frequency attenuation is more hence more power will be required for signal transmission to ensure that it reaches the destination with the required minimum power.

What is the difference between downlink and uplink?

In satellite telecommunication, a downlink is the link from a satellite down to one or more ground stations or receivers, and an uplink is the link from a ground station up to a satellite. Some companies sell uplink and downlink services to television stations, corporations, and to other telecommunication carriers.

What is the uplink frequency of satellite?

satellite communications …to operate in the so-called C band, which employs uplink/downlink frequencies of 6/4 gigahertz, or in the Ku band, in which uplink/downlink frequencies are in the range of 14/11 gigahertz.

Which frequency is used in satellite communication?

x Band Satellite Communication operates in the part of the X band or Super High Frequency (SHF) spectrum which is designated by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) for satellite communication, which is those frequencies in the range 7.25 GHz to 7.75 GHz (Space to Earth) and 7.9 GHz to 8.4 GHz (Earth to …

What is the function satellite?

Communications. A communications satellite is one that serves as a relay for signals from one point on the ground to another. These satellites are typically geosynchronous, which means they are placed into orbit in such a way that they are always over the same spot on the earth.

Why is the Satellite important?

Why Are Satellites Important? The bird’s-eye view that satellites have allows them to see large areas of Earth at one time. This ability means satellites can collect more data, more quickly, than instruments on the ground. Satellites also can see into space better than telescopes at Earth’s surface.

What are the disadvantages of satellite?

The Disadvantages of Satellites

  • Costs are Prohibitive. Satellites are expensive.
  • Signal Reception can be Spotty. Another problem with satellites is their somewhat unreliable signal.
  • Propagation Delay is a Problem.
  • There are No Repair Shops in Space.

Why are satellites important for human progress?

Satellites offer the flight phone communications on the airplanes, They are the main conduit of voice communication for the rural areas and the areas where the phone lines are damaged after a disaster, And they provide the primary timing source for the cell phones and the pagers.

How satellites improve your life?

Satellites provide near real-time data for monitoring farms.. Remote sensing satellites provide us with detailed information and rainfall assessments. This allows farmers to better manage their harvest and livestock. Giving us the tastiest Australian produce on our plates.

What are the uses of artificial satellite?

Artificial satellites can be used for:

  • communications – satellite television and phone calls;
  • Earth observation – including weather forecasting, tracking storms and pollution, spying and satellite photography;
  • navigation – including the Global Positioning System (GPS);

What are the examples of artificial satellite?

Some other examples of artificial satellites on the basis of their uses are: GOES i.e. a weather satellite, ANIK i.e. a communication satellite, GPS i.e. a navigation satellite, TERRIERS i.e. a scientific satellite and MILSTAR i.e. a military satellite.

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