
Why there are no questions on Chegg?

Why there are no questions on Chegg?

You’re not seeing any questions because all available questions have been locked by other experts for answering. You can either try and refresh your page at different time intervals or login later to view questions in your subject. At one instance, a question can be viewed/answered by a single expert.

What is it called when a question has no answer?

A rhetorical question is a question someone asks without expecting an answer. The question might not have an answer, or it might have an obvious answer. So, why would you ask a question and not expect an answer? Don’t the two go hand in hand? Well, sometimes these questions are asked to punch up a point.

Can chegg answers be wrong?

It’s also is somewhat common for Chegg to have wrong answers, that’s why it’s important to understand the problem and not just copy the answer down. Even if it’s wrong, often it can give you insight into the direction you should go to solve the problem.

How do you deal with questions you don’t want to answer?

17 Amazing Tricks for Dodging Unwanted Questions

  1. Enlist the help of a friend. Sometimes, you just know someone is going to ask you an unwanted question.
  2. Restate—and reframe—the question.
  3. Deflect with a joke.
  4. Offer advice instead of an answer.
  5. Deflect the question back to the asker with a compliment.
  6. Turn the tables.
  7. Address a related, but safer, personal topic.

Why would a boy hide his feelings?

They don’t understand what they really feel One of the reasons why men hide their feelings is because they simply don’t understand what they feel. So, when a man starts feeling overwhelmed by not understanding what is really going on, it comes to him naturally to retreat to his man cave and hide his feelings.

How do you tell if a guy is denying his feelings for you?

Is he in denial about his feelings for me? 19 ways to tell

  1. 1) You have an amazing time together but he sends mixed messages.
  2. 2) He listens to what you say and notices details.
  3. 3) He cares about your story and who you are.
  4. 4) He hopes you like his friends and his interests.
  5. 5) He’s single and he lets you know.
  6. 6) He looks at you as much as possible.
  7. 7) He’s always there for you.

How do you tell if he’s hiding his feelings for you?

  1. Signs That He’s Hiding His Feelings.
  2. He Remembers the Little Things.
  3. He’s Interested in Your Life.
  4. He Makes Time for You.
  5. He Wants to Spend Quality Time With You.
  6. He Gets Jealous When You’re Around Other Men.
  7. Signs That He’s Just Not That Into You.
  8. He Makes it Clear That he’s Single.

How do you know if he’s catching feelings for you?

When he laughs at your jokes (even the cheesy ones), tries to make you smile, and relaxes when he’s in your presence, he’s showing you how he feels without speaking it aloud, and yet another of the signs he’s catching feelings. He goes out of his way to do things for you but shies away from talking about his feelings.

How do you tell if a guy likes you more than sexually?

12 Signs That He Wants More Than Sex

  1. He shows you off on social media.
  2. He gets jealous.
  3. He is interested in your daily life.
  4. He talks about his goals and dreams.
  5. He compliments your personality.
  6. He never ignores your texts or calls.
  7. He is willing to please you.
  8. He stays over to cuddle all night.

Why do I attract guys who just want to sleep with me?

But if you´re always attracting men who are not serious and are unwilling to commit, men who only want to sleep with you, it may be because your actions and words suggest that you are easy. You don´t know how to control the things that you can control.

Is Sexting considered adultery in the military?

Sure, UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice) deems adultery as a punishable offense. However, sexting and/or erotic emails are not considered adultery. Adultery would be if he were married and slept with someone else.

Can you forgive your partner for sexting?

Yes, it could, Watson says. But again, it depends on what you and your partner have discussed is and isn’t OK in your relationship. If your partner says they didn’t realize that sexting someone else wasn’t acceptable, and you believe them, then forgiveness might be an option for you.

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