Why was Africa so attractive to Europe in the 19th century?

Why was Africa so attractive to Europe in the 19th century?

Southern Africa had long been attractive to European settlers because of its good pastures and farmland and its mineral wealth. Cecil Rhodes used his British South Africa Company to take over land in central Africa, where he created the colonies of Southern Rhodesia and Northern Rhodesia.

How was Africa before European colonization?

At its peak, prior to European colonialism, it is estimated that Africa had up to 10,000 different states and autonomous groups with distinct languages and customs. From the late 15th century, Europeans joined the slave trade. They transported enslaved West, Central, and Southern Africans overseas.

Why did Europe want to colonize Africa?

During this time, many European countries expanded their empires by aggressively establishing colonies in Africa so that they could exploit and export Africa’s resources. Raw materials like rubber, timber, diamonds, and gold were found in Africa. Europeans also wanted to protect trade routes.

What if Europe never colonized Africa?

If Africa was never colonized it would still be a continent dominated by 3rd world nations. The borders and number of these nations would look very different. Africa today is not backward because of European colonization, rather it was successfully colonized because it was backward.

Why didn’t Africans conquer Europe?

Medieval Black African kingdoms were larger, richer and more populated than any in Europe. They weren’t technologically inferior at all. Just smart enough to not want to conquer Europe which in the middle ages was trash compared to Africa.

What if there was no colonization?

If colonisation never happened, everything that we know or do will never exist. Without colonisation, cultures will not mingle, technological advancement will never occur, the Industrial Revolution itself will not happen.

What if the world was never colonized?

If Europeans never colonized and invaded America, the native nations and tribes would continue to interact in trade. Eventually, trade with East Asia and Europe would introduce new technologies and animals into the continent and tribes would quickly grow into nations.

Which country is not colonized in the world?

Very few countries have never been either a colonizing power or become colonized. They include Saudi Arabia, Iran, Thailand, China, Afghanistan, Nepal, Bhutan, and Ethiopia. Despite never becoming fully colonized, many of these countries had to fight back attempts at colonization.

Which country never ruled British?

The 22 countries that escaped Britain’s invasion are Monaco, Mongolia, Marshall Islands, Mali, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, Kyrgyzstan, Ivory Coast, Andorra, Bolivia, Belarus, DemocraticRepublic of Congo, Burundi, Central African Republic, Guatemala, Chad, Paraquay, Vatican City, Tajikistan, Sweden, Uzbekistan and Sao …

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