
Why was Brutus death tragic?

Why was Brutus death tragic?

Brutus’ fatal and tragic flaw was being naive. He thought that everything was good within the world, that all men were honorable and bound to their word. He believed all that people told him and felt that nobody would lie or deceive him. simply because he didn’t betray anyone.

What are Brutus tragic flaws?

Brutus’ tragic flaws are part of what makes him a tragic hero. In Julius Caesar, Brutus is a great example of a tragic hero. His tragic flaws are honor, poor judgement, and idealism (Bedell). In Shakespeare’s plays, the tragic hero and his flaws cause the downfall of the play (Tragic Flaws).

How does the crowd react to Brutus?

How does the crowd react to Brutus’s and Antony’s funeral speeches? After Brutus speaks, they want to crow him king, but Antony’s speech makes them want to kill Brutus and the other conspirators. Their reactions sugges that the people can be easily manipulated.

What does Brutus fear when he hears the crowds shouting?

Brutus hears shouting and says that he fears that the people want to make Caesar their king. When Cassius asks, Brutus affirms that he would rather that Caesar not assume the position. Brutus adds that he loves Caesar but that he also loves honor, and that he loves honor even more than he fears death.

What is Cassius’s plan to persuade Brutus to join the conspiracy?

At the end of Scene 2, what is Cassius planning to do to persuade Brutus to join the conspiracy against Caesar? Cassius has asked Cinna to put letters in Brutus’ chair because he wants Brutus to see how many people (especially the senators) who would support him to dethrone Caesar. He also plans to talk to Brutus.

How does Brutus explain this fear?

Hey fears that the people will choose Caesar as King. How does Brutus explain to Cassius what he means by this fear? He loves him, but he does not want him to be king. Caesar cries as a sick girl would do, he is angry at Caesar and jealous of his rewards.

What happens to Marullus and Flavius?

In Act 1, Scene ii, Casca tells Cassius and Brutus that the tribunes Marullus and Flavius, Caesar’s political enemies, have been caught disrobing the statues. They have been put to silence. Shakespeare does not explain the meaning of this phrase.

What is Caesar’s opinion of Cassius?

Caesar believes Cassius is very dangerous because he has a “lean and hungry look.” However, he is not afraid of him because Caesar fears nothing. What handicap does Caesar reveal about himself when speaking to Antony? Caesar is deaf in his left ear.

What is Antony’s opinion of Cassius?

Antony’s opinion that Cassius is “not dangerous,” “nble” and “well given” is insufficient for Caesar as he goes on to say that Cassius is too focused on observing others, too serious-minded, too prone to smiling in mockery and too interested in greatness for themselves and therefore dangerous.

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