Why was the 1876 Constitution drafted?
To assure that the government would be responsive to public will, the convention precisely defined the rights, powers, and prerogatives of the various governmental departments and agencies, including many details generally left to the legislature. The Constitution of 1876 began with a lengthy bill of rights.
What were some of the main principles key aspects behind the Constitution of 1876?
Main principles behind the Constitution of 1876: To establish strong, popular control of state government; to develop a constitution that limits the power of the state government; to seek economy in the government; to promote agrarian interests.
What type of government was created in the 1876 constitution?
The new charter was brief, composed of less than 6,500 words. Its features included separation of powers into three branches—legislative, executive, and judicial—with a system of checks and balances. It created a bicameral legislature, with a House of Representatives and a Senate.
What was the most significant difference between the 1869 Constitution to the 1876 Constitution?
What was the most significant change to the powers of the governor from the 1869 constitution to the 1876 constitution? The governor’s powers to appoint a cabinet were taken away. an amendment with a two-thirds vote of both changers and the people of TX must vote for it.
What year did Texas adopt current constitution?
Which of the following is the first step in amending the Texas Constitution?
Which of the following is the first step in amending the Texas Constitution? A joint resolution proposing an amendment is introduced in the House or in the Senate during a regular session or during a special session called by the governor.
Which article of the Texas Constitution outlines the basic steps for the amendment process?
Source: Article 17 of the Texas Constitution outlines amendment procedures. The full Constitution of the State of Texas is available from the Texas Legislature Online at http://www.constitution.legis.state.tx.us accessed March 31, 2005.