Why were some church officials against the Spanish pillaging and plundering of the Americas?

Why were some church officials against the Spanish pillaging and plundering of the Americas?

Why were some church officials against the Spanish pillaging and plundering of the Americas? Native Americans were not converting to Catholicism. What luxury item from the Far East enticed lured European traders to its shores for centuries?

What was an effect of the political unification of Spain under Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand?

What was an effect of the political unification of Spain under Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand? Isabella and Ferdinand used Catholicism to unify the nation. The Spanish monarchs expelled Muslims and Jews and led an inquisition into suspected heretics in the name of Spanish solidarity.

Who finally agreed to help Columbus and what did he have to wait for?

Columbus waited a total of six years for the Spanish to end their war with the Moors. Finally, in 1491, Queen Isabella called him to the royal court. She was ready to help him. Columbus was angry about the years he had spent waiting, and decided that Spain would now have to pay him well for his services.

How did the Vikings eventually establish Vinland?

The vikings established Vinland when they sailed to what is now New England. The settled there because it had big forests,meadows, and the biggest salmon that they had ever seen. It was to far away from other vikings and attacks from Indians were a constant threat. He made great advances in the world of exploration.

Why were the caravels able to sail against the wind while other ships could not?

Why were caravels able to sail against the wind while other ships could not? Caravels were ships that were smaller, lighter, and easier to steer. They used triangular sails that allowed ships to sail against the wind unlike traditional square sails.

What caused the settlements in Vinland to decline?

The Norse were able to defend themselves against the overwhelmingly larger numbers of the natives, but just barely. They had the superior technology of metal but not that of firearms. The constant conflict wore down the Norse and they eventually abandoned the Vinland settlements.

What happened to the Norse settlement in Vinland?

Vinland’s Abandonment The Norse settlement at L’Anse aux Meadows was seemingly abruptly abandoned, probably less than ten years after it was built, in the decades surrounding 1000 CE. It seems, though, that Vinland did not wholly give up its allure for a good few centuries after L’Anse aux Meadows was abandoned.

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