Why you choose CA as your career interview question?

Why you choose CA as your career interview question?

Sample 1: I wanted to become a CA because I have an interest in accounting. CA is an excellent professional course that will help me polish my skills and make a career in the field, which excites me the most. I want to enhance my understanding of how businesses work and regarding industry standards.

Why did you choose CA as a career?

Chartered Accountancy as a career option offers great flexibility in the profession. CAs have a number of career opportunities and avenues to choose from. This allows CAs to work in different sectors; the training offered under the CA program helps candidates adapt to and work in any sector.

Why did you choose this career best answer?

As I further developed my abilities- I decided to pursue a career in the field. I’m now looking for a job where I can apply the programming skills I already have and develop new ones- too. I chose this career because I love working with computers- so I want to continue improving my abilities in doing so.

Why is CA so special?

CA also contains a wide knowledge of Company Law and resultant CA can handle the work of CS as well. CA’s are not limited to Audit and Accounts only. They handle the taxation matters as well, provide the Financial consultancy and also handles the cost accounting matters.

Is CA a government job?

Can Chartered Accountants have a government job? The answer to the question invariably is Yes. Chartered Accountants and especially experienced ones can get a government job along with good salary packages.

Why is ca not good?

And CA candidates after qualifying when goes for interview lots of questions do you have practical exposure in Assessment, Appeal, transfer pricing, investment banking, finance…..they dont understand every candidate is not trained in Big 4….and a CA if working in a particular industry then he faces the questions …

Is CA a waste of time?

Articleship time is too long that even CA’s are wexed up with this program. Waste of time (5 years)?? Over all thing is CA is a time waste.it is better to do Engineering and I think half of the effort is more than enough(4 years is a lot of time and regular college) on what we put in CA.

What is the job of CA?

Job roles in chartered accountancy

Tasks Responsibilities
Tax Management Advise on taxes as per changes in business plans
Consultancy Corporate law advice on financial aspects, Project planning, Business advise regarding profits, expansion and more, Information systems management

Which is better MBA or CA?

CA vs MBA: Overview Economical. The overall money invested in a CA certification is less as compared to an MBA degree. Out of 100, only 3-5% of candidates are able to qualify and get certified as CA. 90-95% of candidates who opt for an MBA course end up getting good jobs.

Who Earns More CA or MBA?

The average salary of a CA in India is between Rs 7-10 lakh. As far as MBAs are concerned, their salary package depends on their employer. Those who graduate from top IIMs command a salary of Rs 18-22 LPA, but the same is not true for those graduates who pass out from Tier-II and Tier-III colleges.

Who earns more Engineer or CA?

The pay scale of a CA is always better than an Engineer. If it is a software company or manufacturing company engineer more important so Engineers earn more salary. If it is a financial company Accountants are more important so Accountant earn more salary.

Do CA earn more than doctors?

An average CA will earn more than an average doctor. CA earns more not only from doctors but also from CS,CMA.

Is CA difficult than IIT?

Another point is, IIT JEE is an entrance exam for undergraduate courses, whereas, CA is a professional course with different levels, so there is no direct comparison between these two. If looked upon the success rate, CA exam has a pass percentage of about 15-18% overall.

Who earns more IIT or CA?

No, Chartered Accountants do not earn more than IITians. IITians ‘usually’ earn at least equal or more than Chartered Accountants and are well placed in terms of money than Chartered Accountants. As compared to Chartered Accountants, IITians have better chances to be paid the highest grade salaries.

Can CA earn in crores?

Think about it at deepest level. Ask yourself, Can I really earn 1 crore? Now, your answer may be yes.

Why Iitians are paid so much?

Mohit says, “The skill set and work-related expectations remain the same from all fresh engineering graduates but still there is a pay gap which exists between Non-IIT engineers and engineers hired from IITs.”This is not just the story of Mohit but the story of lakhs of Non-IITian engineers across India who suffer …

Is life at IIT stressful?

Reality: There is a lot of stress in life for IITians (both academic and non-academic). Expectation: Once you graduate from IITs, you will surely get high packages. Reality: Only few IITians get high packages. If you are not exceptional, you might have to start with packages less than 10 lpa.

Are only IITians successful?

The point to be noted is that the success ratio in IIT JEE is not even 5%. Did you know that Oxford university accepts every one out of the five applicants while these IIT’s allow one out of more than 120 applicants! As such, not getting successful in IIT-JEE is technically a no-failure.

Are IITians arrogant?

A few IITians I’ve met while at IIT Madras are actually quite arrogant about their IIT tag, even in the later years. Yes, most IITians are generally proud of their college and education and they low-key like it when they get some extra attention from IIT worshippers.

Do all IITians get job?

It’s a fact that not every IITian leaves the campus with a job offer. Yes, in a country that’s churning out engineering graduates in droves, it’s hard for even the top institutions to guarantee 100% placements. Out of 502 students who registered for campus placements, 79.8% received a job offer.

Are IITians dumb?

Yeah , all non IITians are dumb . All the students from MIT,Oxford,Harvard and other premium institutions are dumb. Somehow India has managed to produce super smart people in the form of IITians.

Is IIT everything in life?

Let me start this article with a quite simple sentence, IIT is NOT Everything. Many people see failing in IIT-JEE as an ultimate failure in life. But, it’s not like that. There are many people who couldn’t make themselves into IITs but, still, emerged as quite successful in their lives.

Are IITians boring?

However, I can tell you one thing – you might have IITians who are boring and annoying. They might be annoying because they are rude. They might be boring because their perception of entertainment is different from yours. They might be boring because they are introverts and don’t like human interaction.

Is MIT easier than IIT?

Pune’s Chirag Falor, who scored 100 percentile in this year’s JEE Mains results, believes that IIT entrance exam is the toughest even compared to the entrance process conducted by the US-based prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology. MIT is widely held as the world’s best engineering and technology college.

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