Source: UC Berkeley News Center. By Yasmin Anwar((It has been reprinted a part of the original text of the news. Translation: Rubén Crespo)) . An investigation of the University of California, Berkeley, demonstrates that the individuals of high-class have a greater propensity for unethical behavior, being more likely to believe -as Gordon Gekko in the […]
The working poor are three times more than those collected by the Survey of Wage Structure
Workers at risk of poverty are three times more than accounted for by the last Survey of the Salary Structure, the methodology of which excludes from the computation to 71% of those who perceive –in computing annual income is lower than the Minimum Interprofessional Wage. The INE published the 25th of June the latest Wage […]
cultural values are factors of human development?
The values represent a philosophy of life and guide our conduct in life. These are the principles that govern our daily decisions, giving priority to one criterion over another with respect to an option or position to take. In practice, they mean the choices of each person and each group. Can we say that it […]
Louis Lemkow, honorary doctorate by the Josai International University of Japan
Louis Lemkow, professor of the Department of Sociology of the UAB (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), has been appointed doctor honoris causa by the Josai International University (Japan) for his “contributions distinguished in relation to the promotion of international education and the advancement of learning and culture.” The investiture took place on 3 April and featured […]
Ill-treatment and gender-based violence
Via CEMAV, Center of Design and Production of Audiovisual Media of the national university of distance education Gender-based violence occurs in Spain present an average of 360 allegations daily of ill-treatment. . . Technical data sheet of RADIO-UNED: Program: WITHOUT DISTANCES (issued January 31, 2011 ) Title: Ill-treatment and gender-based violence Synopsis: gender-based violence occurs […]
Manifesto in defense of the Degree in Sociology at the URJC
The last day 28 February 2014 the governing Council of the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJC) decided to suppress the Degree in Sociology along with nine degrees more. In the first place, we the undersigned believe that the procedure used for making this decision is markedly irregular, since the statutes of the URJC establish that […]
Manifesto for rebuilding Europe from the base
Manifesto for rebuilding Europe from the base Developers: Ulrich Beck and Daniel Cohn-Bendit . . A European Year of Volunteering for Everyone —for taxi drivers, nurses, industrial workers, dentists, teachers, journalists, students, pensioners— as a response to the euro crisis! Never before now had received the youth of Europe a better education. However, one out […]
Manual Care and social assistance to dependent persons in social institutions
Collection: Practical Manuals. No.: 10 Certificate of Professionalism Center of Humanization of the Health and Cáritas Española Editores This manual for the healthcare and Social assistance to Dependent Persons in Social Institutions responds to the need to qualify the technical and human side of the professionals who present care in health centers of various […]
Who sang the theme song for Sue Thomas FBI?
Who sang the theme song for Sue Thomas FBI? Jessica Andrews Does Jessica Andrews still sing? Andrews had her biggest chart success in 2001 with the song “Who I Am”, a No. 1 country hit and the title track of her second studio album, which was certified gold in the United States…. Jessica Andrews Occupation(s) […]
How do I stop myself from being too serious?
How do I stop myself from being too serious? How to Stop Taking Yourself Too Seriously Confront the fear of being ridiculed: End the vicious cycle — fear fuels more fear. Face it and get over it. Drop the ball on purpose: I don’t mean metaphorically, just let something fall through the cracks. Change the […]