What does Qapla in Klingon mean?

What does Qapla in Klingon mean?


How do you speak in Klingon?

The “tlh” is treated as a single letter in Klingon. Begin with a “t” sound, but drop your tongue to the sides of your mouth rather than immediately down. From there, hiss out the “l” sound. Lowercase “y” is pronounced like the English “y” at the beginning of a word, as in “you” or “yet.”

How do you say good evening in Klingon?


  1. nuqneH = Hello (Literal: What do you want)
  2. bIpIv’a’ = Hi (Literal: How do you feel)
  3. yI’el = Welcome (Literal: Come in)
  4. ghaH ‘ej Duvan = Greetings (Literal: He and)
  5. maj po = Good morning.
  6. maj pov = Good afternoon.
  7. maj choS = Good evening.
  8. maj ram = Good night (Not a greeting, but fits in with other phrases here)

How do you say hi in Klingon?

We don’t do greetings in Klingon. If you feel the urge to say hello to someone, say nuqneH.

What is a Patak in Klingon?

Originally Answered: What does “Patak” mean in Klingon? Well in Klingon it is an insult and if a Klingon calls you a Patak it means he is looking down on you as if you are something to be scraped of the bottom of his/her boots.

How do you say shut up in Klingon?

bIjatlh ‘e’ yImev – “Shut up” Sometimes you just want to end the conversation or argument.

How do Vulcans say hello?

That doesn’t mean they’re not gracious, however. In Star Trek: First Contact, the Vulcans that arrive in Bozeman, Montana greet their human hosts by holding up the Vulcan salute — holding one’s hand up with the middle and ring fingers separated.

Is Klingon difficult to learn?

Fictional languages like Klingon are deliberately designed not to be easy and familiar, but difficult and very different. It also makes Klingon, still a growing language, fairly difficult to master, much less generate true native speakers.

Does duolingo teach Klingon?

If you’re a real Star Wars Star Trek fan, chances are you’ve always dreamt of learning Klingon.

Is there an app to learn Klingon?

Duolingo, a free app that allows users to learn new languages almost like playing a game, is adding Klingon to its course list. The language, used by a fictional alien race in Star Trek, should be available early next year.

Is Elvish on duolingo?

Seeing that High Valyrian from Game of Thrones is being taught here in duolingo, it is only fitting enough to teach elvish as well (specifically sindarin). Elvish is not only a beautiful language, but a historical one as well. It has touched the minds and the hearts of people all over the world.

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