How many hours is from USA to Saudi Arabia?

How many hours is from USA to Saudi Arabia?

Flying time from United States to Saudi Arabia The total flight duration from United States to Saudi Arabia is 15 hours, 24 minutes.

How far away is Saudi Arabia by plane?

The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between Saudi Arabia and United States is 12,110 km= 7,525 miles. If you travel with an airplane (which has average speed of 560 miles) from Saudi Arabia to United States, It takes 13.44 hours to arrive.

How far is Indiana from San Jose?

1932 miles

How long is a flight from Indianapolis to China?

15 hours 50 minutes

How far away is China from Indianapolis?

How far is it from Indiana to China? The distance between Indiana and China is 11561 km.

How far is China from Indiana in hours?

Flying time from Indiana to China The total flight duration from Indiana to China is 14 hours, 58 minutes.

Which US state is the closest to China?

Honolulu is the closest to most of China, Southeast Asia, Korea, Japan and Australia. Miami is the closest to islands in the South Atlantic Ocean and the very Southern tip of South Africa.

How many hours away is China?

The total flight duration from United States to China is 14 hours, 56 minutes.

What is the time now in China AM or PM?

Current Local Time in Locations in China with Links for More Information (98 Locations)
Beijing Mon 10:31 am
Benxi Mon 10:31 am
Chamdo Mon 10:31 am
Changchun Mon 10:31 am

Can you drive to China?

You will have to cross multiple borders. Almost all of the road is paved but not every section is in the best of conditions. It is possible to drive a normal car to reach China. However, if you decide to take a detour through Central Asia and visit remote locations the road conditions will decrease dramatically.

Is China closer to US or UK?

Distance from China to United Kingdom is 7,799 kilometers. This air travel distance is equal to 4,846 miles. The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between China and United Kingdom is 7,799 km= 4,846 miles.

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