Which of the following bus is unidirectional?

Which of the following bus is unidirectional?

Address bus

Is the control bus unidirectional or bidirectional and why?

The control bus is unidirectional because it controls the operation of the address and data busses. A control bus is a computer bus that is used by the CPU to communicate with devices that are contained within the computer.

Which bus is bidirectional address bus control bus data bus None of the above?

Discussion Forum

Que. Which bus is a bidirectional bus?
b. data bus
c. address bus and data bus
d. none of the above
Answer:data bus

What is a bidirectional bus?

[‚bī·də′rek·shən·əl ′dad·ə ‚bəs] (computer science) A channel over which data can be transmitted in either direction within a computer system.

How is address bus calculated?

So to work out the amount of addressable memory, we must multiply the number of addresses by their size.

  1. Total Addressable Memory = (2^address bus width) * Data bus width.
  2. IE a machine with a 16 bit Data Bus and 32 bit address bus would have.
  3. (2^32)*16 bits of accessible storage.
  4. or 8GB – Do the math yourself to prove it.

How many wires are there in a 64-bit address bus?

The width of the address bus (that is, the number of wires) determines how many unique memory locations can be addressed. Modern personal computers and Macintoshes have as many as 36 address lines. This theoretically allows them to access 64 gigabytes of main memory.

What is the maximum range addressable by the 8 bit address bus?

13.6 Memory addressing size

Address bus size Addressable memory (bytes)
7 128
8 256
9 512
10 1K*

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