What is the antonym for diurnal?

What is the antonym for diurnal?

What is the opposite of diurnal?

irregular different
inconsistent variable
varying changeable
changing fluctuating
inconstant intermittent

What does Diannual mean?

Medical Definition of diurnal 1 : having a daily cycle diurnal rhythms. 2a : of, relating to, or occurring in the daytime diurnal activity. b : chiefly active during the daytime diurnal mosquitoes.

What does the phrase nocturnally active mean?

English Language Learners Definition of nocturnal : active mainly during the night. formal : happening at night.

What is the term for non nocturnal?

Adjective. Of or during the day. diurnal. daytime.

Are humans meant to be diurnal?

Humans are diurnal — we are active in the day and sleep at night. But diurnalism is by far the exception rather the rule in mammals. About 250-230 million years ago, the mammalian ancestors, called the therapsids, became exclusively nocturnal, and stayed so until the demise of the dinosaurs 66 million years ago.

What is a night person called?

A night owl, evening person or simply owl, is a person who tends to stay up until late at night, or the early hours of the morning.

What is Nyctophilia?

n. a strong preference for darkness or night.

What are night lovers called?

A “Night Owl” is a term for a person who prefers being awake during the late hours of the night. someone who enjoys staying awake all night. If you want to go with something that’s more clinical sounding, you could go with “nyctophilia” Preference for the night or darkness.

Who is a Nyctophile?

Noun. nyctophile (plural nyctophiles) (zoology) Any of the Australian bats of the genus Nyctophilus. A person who loves night or darkness.

What do you call someone who is active at night?

If something is nocturnal, it belongs to or is active at night. The adjective nocturnal comes from the Late Latin nocturnalis, which means “belonging to the night.” You’ve probably heard of nocturnal animals, like bats and fireflies, who sleep during the day and come out to play when the sun goes down.

What is a person who loves dark called?

Nyctophilia – (n) a person who loves night, darkness.

What does Acrophile mean?

a love of high mountains and of heights. — acrophile, n. See also: Mountains. -Ologies & -Isms.

Is sleeping for 15 hours bad?

Since day-to-day life might include responsibilities that don’t allow for this much rest, long sleepers may feel excessively tired during the day and catch up on off days, sleeping as much as 15 hours at a time. You may experience hypersomnia if you often wake up in the middle of the night.

Is sleep related to intelligence?

The macrostructure of sleep has a small but consistent correlation with intelligence, with possible nonlinear effects. Biological and social factors contribute to the relationship between sleep macrostructure and intelligence. Sleep spindle amplitude is a possible biomarker of intelligence.

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