What did those coming to John confess?

What did those coming to John confess?

Since he confessed to the adultery with Abigail, Proctor feels like he is right with God. He does not want to risk his immortal soul at this point. His wife, Elizabeth, agrees.

What happens if you confess to witchcraft in The Crucible?

Historically, a confession was the single best way for the court to gain a conviction and an execution for charges of witchcraft. The irony is that none of the accused Salem witches who confessed were convicted or executed but all 19 people who refused to confess were found guilty and executed.

Why does Elizabeth think John is a good man?

Elizabeth says he is a good man because he has yet to confess even though he has been tortured. Elizabeth says that John is a good man and she knows it. She also thinks she has some responsibility for their predicament. Elizabeth says it takes a cold wife to prompt lechery.

What type of irony is if someone confessed to witchcraft he she was spared if someone didn’t confess he she was executed?

5. If someone confessed to witchcraft, he/she was spared; if someone didn’t confess, he/she was executed. Situational irony You would think that the people that were accused of witchcraft would be the ones executed not the innocent.

Why are Abigail’s lies ironic?

This is ironic because he had an affair with Abigail. Verbal/Situational Irony: This is ironic because the Puritans believed lying separates a person from God, however the accused had to lie and confess to witchcraft in order to live. If they told the truth they were not believed and were sentenced to death.

Why did Proctor not sign?

John Proctor refuses to sign a confession that he served the devil by practicing witchcraft because it is a lie. He has lost everything–his home, his family, his community–but he refusesd to give up his good name.

How is Elizabeth’s sacrifice for her husband ironic?

What sacrifice does Elizabeth make for her husband? Elizabeth sacrifices her truthfulness for her husband. The result of this sacrifice is ironic because John had already confessed to be an adulterer and Elizabeth’s confession would have actually helped her case.

Why does Elizabeth lie and why is it so ironic?

The irony of this exchange is that Elizabeth always tells the truth; however, the one time she lies to save someone she loves, it backfires on her. If she had remained true to herself, she would have told the truth, saved John, condemned Abigail, ended the trials, and lived the rest of her life with her husband.

Will Elizabeth lie to save John?

She lies because she wants to protect John. Elizabeth assumed that she was doing good by, ironically, lying to the court. She most probably believed that the accusation of lechery had been brought by Abigail and that she would clear his name if she lied.

Why does Elizabeth lie for John?

In this case, Elizabeth is lying because she does not want to hurt her husband and his good name. She does not want him to get in trouble for what he did. She has, in the past, been very angry at him for cheating on her, but now she seems to have forgiven him. That is why she lies and he tells the truth.

Why does Elizabeth want John to go see Abigail?

Elizabeth originally wants John to go to Salem so he can tell the court that he knows the girls are lying. Then, when she finds out she was accused in court, she wants him to go to Salem to speak directly with Abigail. Elizabeth makes these requests with an eye towards correcting injustice and saving her own life.

What information does Elizabeth not report to John?

What information does Elizabeth NOT report to John? That she doesn’t believe that a woman could be a witch/possessed by the devil. Why does Proctor say he is reluctant to go to Salem and tell what Abigail said to him? How was Mary Warren changed during this act?

What does John slip up and say to Elizabeth that gets him in trouble?

What lie did John Proctor tell to Elizabeth which makes her more suspicious of him? He didn’t tell Elizabeth that he was alone with Abigail when they talked. Abigail has accused Elizabeth of witchcraft, but Mary claims that she has never seen any indication of it.

What does Elizabeth think of Abigail?

Elizabeth is convinced that Abigail would like her to die and wants to murder her. Elizabeth also accuses Abigail of vanity over her good looks, which is part of Elizabeth perceiving her former maid as a whore. Elizabeth also says she dismissed Abigail from service because she was a poor housekeeper.

Why does Elizabeth hate Abigail?

She insists that Elizabeth Proctor “hates [her]” because Abigail “would not be her slave.” She calls Elizabeth a “lying, cold, sniveling woman” who she cannot abide working for.

Does Abigail want to kill Elizabeth?

There are several reasons that Elizabeth feels, and accurately so, that Abby wants to kill her. One reason that Abby wants to cause harm to Elizabeth is spite. Elizabeth, once she suspected the affair between Abby and John, fires her and kicks her out of the house.

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