Who said messing around in boats?

Who said messing around in boats?

It is certainly one of the biggest cliches in the literature of boating. What the Water Rat said to the Mole: “Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing–absolutely nothing–half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.”

What did ratty say to Mole?

‘Ratty,’ said the Mole suddenly, one bright summer morning, ‘if you please, I want to ask you a favour. ‘ ‘DUCKS’ DITTY.

Who wrote Wind in the Willows?

Kenneth Grahame

Why did Kenneth Grahame write Wind in the Willows?

And he wrote to escape the unhappiness of his marriage. This last motive was a powerful one for Kenneth Grahame, who felt consistently at odds with his domineering wife, Elspeth. Many readers of The Wind in the Willows may not register the virtual absence of female characters from the book’s pages.

Why did Toad quickly lose interest in his caravan?

Toad persuades the reluctant Ratty and Mole to join him on a journey in the caravan. The journey is cut short when the caravan crashes because a car frightens the horse. However, the crash leads to Toad’s new obsession with cars. Mole wants to visit Ratty’s friend Badger who lives in the Wild Wood.

What is the moral of Wind in the Willows?

As it is Grahame’s escape from his own reality that inspired the shenanigans of the characters, so the moral of the story is essentially to try to do your best at all times, forgive others, and make the world a better place. One of the morals of The Wind in the Willows is the joy that comes from journeys.

What is Mr Toad’s full name?

James Thaddeus Toad

Who is the antagonist in The Wind in the Willows?

The Chief Weasel is the main antagonist of Kenneth Grahame’s 1908 novel The Wind in the Willows.

What mode of transportation does toad not use in The Wind in the Willows?

Toad is entranced by the new mode of transportation, the motorcar. He no longer has any use for the horse and cart; the motorcar is his new obsession.

How did Toad get revenge on the washerwoman?

How did Toad get revenge on the washerwomen? He stole her horse.

Which character said Finest house on the whole river?

“Finest house on the whole river,” cried Toad boisterously. “Or anywhere else, for that matter,” he could not help adding.

How did Toad trick rat into leaving the room so that he could escape?

How did Toad trick Rat into leaving so that he could escape the room? He asked for him to get a lawyer. He pretended he was sick.

How do you know that Mr Toad loved driving cars?

He had an old passion for driving and he was very fond of cars it was his passion that he could not control and when he saw the car he lost his sense of morality and he picked up the car despite knowing it was wrong.

What made Mr Toad start and fall a trembling all over and why?

He was about half-way through his meal when an only too familiar sound, approaching down the street, made him start and fall a-trembling all over.

What was the Mr Toad doing when he heard the sound of the car?

Answer: Mr. Toad was having his luncheon in the coffee room of an inn when he heard the sound of the car. Toad pulled the car out the inn-yard and drove away in great speed.

Who was Mr Clark what was his opinion on the crime committed by Mr Toad?

Ans: Mr Clerk was a member of the court of law. He thought that Mr. Toad had committed three very serious crimes— stealing a motorcar, driving dangerously and cheeking the police.

What did Toad do after breakfast Ka answer?

“Help!” said Toad.

Where was Mr Toad imprisoned?

Answer: In The Wind in The Willows, at the end of the chapter ‘VI: Mr. Toad’, Toad is convicted and sentenced to twenty years in “the remotest dungeon of the best-guarded keep of the stoutest castle in all the length and breadth of Merry England”.

Why did toad jump off the train?

The jailed Toad is in utter despair when the gaoler’s daughter takes pity on him. When police pursue in another engine, Toad confesses to the engine driver, who again takes pity on Toad. The driver tells Toad to jump off the train as they leave the tunnel. Toad does so and finds himself free but lost in the woods.

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