What is between heaven and hell called?
Who does the Bible say will go to heaven?
The World English Bible translates the passage as: Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will. enter into the Kingdom of Heaven; but he who. does the will of my Father who is in heaven.
Where is heaven located in the Bible?
The first line of the Bible states that heaven is created along with the creation of the earth (Genesis 1). It is primarily God’s dwelling place in the biblical tradition: a parallel realm where everything operates according to God’s will.
How do you know God’s plan for your life?
A way to know that you are following God’s plan for your life is by being in prayer. Take time each day to devote yourself to the Lord and the plans He has for your life. If you are giving each area of your life to God, then He will bless it and be able to work through it abundantly.
What does Jeremiah 29 11 really mean?
Christians facing difficult situations today can take comfort in Jeremiah 29:11 knowing that it is not a promise to immediately rescue us from hardship or suffering, but rather a promise that God has a plan for our lives and regardless of our current situation, He can work through it to prosper us and give us a hope …
How was Jeremiah called to be a prophet?
It is told there that he responded to Yahweh’s (God’s) call to prophesy by protesting “I do not know how to speak, for I am only a youth,” but he received Yahweh’s assurance that he would put his own words into Jeremiah’s mouth and make him a “prophet to the nations.” A few scholars believe that after his call Jeremiah …
How is God called Jonah?
He is the central figure of the Book of Jonah, in which he is called upon by God to travel to Nineveh and warn its residents of impending divine wrath. Instead, Jonah boards a ship to Tarshish. God shields Jonah from the sun with a plant, but later sends a worm to cause it to wither.