Do the hunger strike, tonight’s conference at the ENS-LSH to 18h

Join us tonight at the Ens-Lsh from 18h in room F112

We welcome Johanna Siméant who comes to speak to us about the hunger strike

Although this mode of action is widespread in the Twentieth century, the recourse to hunger strike still remains poorly known. This conference will return to the origins of this practice of protest, on the diversity of its forms, and on the different dimensions of meaning that it conveys : the convening of a public, shame thrown on the opponent, climb to the extreme and put to the test the commitment of the striker…

Johanna Siméant is professor of political science at the University of Paris-1-Panthéon-Sorbonne, researcher at the Centre de recherches politiques de la Sorbonne (CRPS), and member of the Institut universitaire de France. His research interests cover the sociology of activism, commitment, and humanitarian mobilizations transnational. She is notably the author of The cause of the sans-papiers (Presses de Sciences Po, 1998) and, with Pascal Dauvin, humanitarian work. The actors of the NGOS, between headquarters and the field (Presses de Sciences Po, 2002). She has just published Do the hunger strike (Presses de Sciences Po, 2009).

This conference inaugurated the cycle of conferences “in The course of the work of the social sciences,” in which we will receive

– Thursday, December 17, 2009, at 18h, in room F005, Pascale Trompette, ” The market of the dead “

The sector of a funeral director, French has entered the sphere of the competitive market since the law Sweat of 1993, after two centuries of regulated monopoly. It is an exemplary case that allows you to analyze the historical construction process and policy for the establishment of a public service competitive in a field to the issues of citizenship and strong social, between State, Church and private contractors. Contribution to the renewal of economic sociology, contemporary, the work of Pascale Trompette analysis of the concrete functioning of this market through study of competitive practices, rules and regulation of the service relationship in a domain marked by the weight of the sacred and the relationship to the intimate.

Pascale Trompette is director of research in sociology at the CNRS, and a member of the laboratory Pacte-Political Organizations at the University of Grenoble. She has published The market of the dead in 2008 at the Presses of Sciences Po.

– on January 21, Michel Bozon, ” The social uses of surveys on sexuality “

Michel Bozon has directed, with Nathalie Bajos (Inserm), and Nathalie Beltzer (ORS Ile-de-France), the survey “Context of Sexuality in France” (CSF). It is the third national survey of sexual behaviour in France, after the investigation by Simon in 1970 and the survey ” Analysis of Sexual Behaviour in France (ACSF) in 1992. Michel Bozon present the methodological issues and sociological, as well as the main results.

Michel Bozon is a sociologist and demographer. He is the director of research at the national Institute of demographic studies (INED). After work on the social logic of the formation of couples, his research is focused since several years on sexual practices. He is notably the author of the Sociology of sexuality (Armand Colin, 2002), the formation of The couple (Discovery, 2006), and Survey on sexuality in France (Armand Colin, 2008).

– Thursday, February 4, 2010 at 18h, in room F008, Jean-Pierre Poulain, ” obesity, an object for social sciences ? “

Obesity has continued in recent years to mobilize the medical community to question the various scientific bodies, to challenge the world policy and at regular intervals the headlines of the media. What can be the contribution of social sciences to the understanding and support of this topic became “society” ? The social dimensions of obesity cannot be reduced to its social determinants, and it is therefore necessary to take into account the scientific controversies that pass through this question in order to update the games of competition between players in the medical system, the agri-food industry, the pharmaceutical industry, the media and various concerned departments.

Jean-Pierre Poulain is professor of sociology at The University of Toulouse le Mirail. He is notably the author of Sociologies of food (Puf, 2002), and more recently Sociology of obesity (Puf, 2009).

– Thursday, march 11, 2010 at 18h, in room F008, Nicolas Duvoux, “the autonomy of The assisted”

The idea of the “autonomy of the assisted” may seem paradoxical, even provocative, since it brackets together a condition stigmatized, that of” assisted “, and a recognized value and central in modern societies progress: the ” self “. The paradox is however only apparent. Questioning the autonomy of the assisted returns just to get rid of the prénotion according to which the assisted are passive and dependent, to examine how individuals who receive assistance from the community manage to cope with the stigma and poverty. From a

survey of RMI beneficiaries interviewed in the île-de-France in the 2000s, Nicolas Duvoux renders the meaning that individuals give to the standard institutional autonomy to which they are subjected in a context of material hardship and social vulnerability.

Nicolas Duvoux is assistant professor of sociology at the University of Paris Descartes, and member of CERLIS (research Centre on social links, Paris Descartes / CNRS). He is also editor-in-chief of the site “The life of ideas,” and a member of the editorial board of the journal Sociology. He has published The regulation of the poor (Puf, 2008), with Serge Paugam, and the autonomy of The assisted. The sociology of inclusion policies (Puf, 2009)

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