Sexuality and adolescent childbearing. Voice English and scottish

Sexuality and adolescent childbearing. Voice English and scottish
A book of Fabienne Portier-Le Coq (Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2009)

British teenagers, by comparison to the teenagers of Western Europe, have the highest rate of teen pregnancies of the European Union. In addition, the Uk is the only country in Europe not to have seen the conception rate drop in thirty years. This is why the fertility rates among adolescents are perceived as highly problematic. If the stigma of motherhood, single-parent has declined considerably in recent decades, it is clear that it is not the same for maternity girls. What is at stake is the determination of the age at which it would be appropriate for a woman to have children. Early motherhood is often considered as a social problem and a public health problem, to such an extent that in the 1990s the policies british government have given such importance to pregnancy and maternity as a teenager, as this interest has overshadowed the agenda the problems related to single parenthood. In 1992 a White Paper entitled The Health of The Nation, the ministry of Health has identified sexual health (opposite of aids) as one of the five priority objectives of its programme and aimed to halve the rate of conception among girls under sixteen years of age by the year 2000 [1]. The fourth chapter is in-depth on the government policies, focusing on the maternity teen.

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