What are the bar opening duties?

What are the bar opening duties?


  • Cocktail shaker. a) Clean ice into container. a) To cool drink.
  • To measure. a) Use measure for syrups, juices and liquor. b) Add ingredients. c)close the shaker. d) Shake shortly and sharply. Correct Amounts.
  • Pour cocktail. a) Open shaker. b) use right glass. c) Add garnish. a) For Pouring.
  • Cocktails- stirred.

What are the basic responsibilities of staff at closing time of a bar?

Drain off dirty dishwater and scrub down your sink. Wash other smallwares like muddlers, jiggers, and stirrers. Wipe down beer taps and thoroughly clean them once a month. Sweep the floors in the front- and back-of-house, then mop.

How long does it take to close a bar?

30 min to 2 hours depending which bar I’m at and how busy it is. Fridays can be 2-3 hours depending on when the last person is out and how wrecked the bar is. I start getting ready to close as soon as I come in!!! You’ll get faster!

How many drinks can a bartender serve to one person in an hour?

one drink

Why do bars close at 2am?

It’s usually due to the state laws. Most bars around the world close around this time except the really touristy nightlife area like Las Vegas and New Orleans etc.. I think they don’t want people to drinking so late and causing problems. In my state the bars stay open all night long on New Years Eve.

How many hours do bartenders work a day?

8 hours

Is bartending difficult?

It’s Actually Hard Work Many people go into bartending thinking that it’s a really easy job and that they’ll just be hanging out at the bar all day. While it’s true that it’s a social job with a lot of fun aspects, it’s also hard work, both mentally and physically. When bars get busy, bartending becomes stressful.

Is bartending a good side job?

Bartending can be a lucrative side hustle or a full-time job, and offers a number of benefits. For example, bartenders often work flexible schedules and have the chance to earn a lot of money in engaging, fast-paced work.

Do Bartenders make more than managers?

unless you are in a hotel, bartenders make less than minimum wage 7.00 per hr., then plus tips. minimum wage here is just short of $9. at my venue, lead bartenders make $10.50. the bar manager is salaried at a 40hr*$9.25 rate but he works more than 40 hours so is basically working for less than the hourly minimum wage.

Why do bartenders make more than servers?

Some restaurants pay bartenders more than they do servers(I’ve seen anywhere from $4 to $8 an hour) and then the bartenders also make tips from the customers they take care of and tip out from all of the servers. It really depends on the restaurant and where the guests tend to congregate.

Who makes more waitress or bartender?

Servers are making on average $28.75 per hour. Bartenders are making on average $32 — $34 per hour.

What percentage of tips do bartenders get?

Usually the total amount “tipped out” is between 20% to 45% of a server’s total tips. In a casual full service restaurant, a server might tip out 25% of her total tips to her colleagues like this: Bartender: 10% Busser: 7%

How much does the average bartender make a night?

A good rule of thumb is to look at how much money you’re making versus the times you’re working a week. A starting bartender should average around $230.00 a night, or about $23/hour for a full ten hour shift.

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