How do you put Lean Six Sigma on a resume?

How do you put Lean Six Sigma on a resume?

Things to keep in mind when listing your certification on your resume:

  1. List your Six Sigma certification in a separate section. Typically this follows the education section with a header such as “Training and Certification.”
  2. Only list your highest certification.

What is the concept of Lean Six Sigma?

Lean Six Sigma is a team-focused managerial approach that seeks to improve performance by eliminating waste and defects. Simply put, under the tenets of Lean Six Sigma any use of resources that doesn’t create value for the end customer is considered a waste and should be eliminated.

What are 6 Sigma tools?

Six Sigma tools are defined as the problem-solving tools used to support Six Sigma and other process improvement efforts. The Six Sigma expert uses qualitative and quantitative techniques to drive process improvement.

How do you make a lean process?

6 Lean Principles That Can Make You More Efficient

  1. Focus on your customer. Ultimately, what all customers want is value.
  2. Figure out how the work gets done.
  3. Remove inefficiencies and waste.
  4. Track numbers and manage by evidence.
  5. Empower the people operating the process.
  6. Go about all this in a systematic way.

What are the lean tools?

Lean Tools and Their Applications

  • Bottleneck Analysis. How many times have your projects gotten stuck somewhere between development and delivery?
  • Just-in-Time (JIT)
  • Value Stream Mapping.
  • Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)
  • Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA)
  • Error Proofing.

Who is the father of Kaizen?

Masaaki Imai

What is Kaizen rule?

Kaizen is the Japanese word for “good change” (Kai = change, Zen = good), and describes the continuous improvement of all corporate functions, at all levels of the hierarchy. Kaizen is a competitive strategy in which all employees work together to create a strong culture of constant improvement.

How do you identify Kaizen opportunities?

Holding a Kaizen Event:

  1. Day 1: Define your goals for the event. Map and measure the process’s current state and identify wastes.
  2. Day 2: Consider root causes of wastes and identify possible solutions.
  3. Day 3: Implement the improvements.
  4. Day 4: Test the improvements.
  5. Day 5: Train employees on new standard work procedures.

What is the first step in a Kaizen project?

The first step in kaizen is to standardize and describe the current process. For example, a manufacturing organization may create a flowchart of a production process to illustrate how products move through the process.

Is Kaizen a daily process?

Kaizen is a daily process, the purpose of which goes beyond simple productivity improvement. Kaizen is most commonly associated with manufacturing operations, as at Toyota, but has also been used in non-manufacturing environments.

What are lean tools?

What Are Lean Tools? The Japanese word for waste is muda, which is defined as “uselessness.” Lean tools are designed to reduce Muda in organizations and improve quality control. In other words, Lean tools seek to eliminate processes that aren’t valuable.

What is 5S checklist?

5S is a system for workplace optimization, which uses a five-step method to organize and maintain workplaces, systems, and processes. The five Japanese terms represent: sort; set in order; shine; standardize; and sustain.

Is 5S a lean tool?

The 5S System is a lean manufacturing tool that helps to clean and organize the workplace, as well as improve how things are done through standardization. This can be accomplished with the five following steps: Sort: Remove unneeded and obsolete items from the workplace.

Is FMEA a lean tool?

FMEA, in return, helps Lean method with a better analysis of the effects of eliminating Mudas.

How is FMEA calculated?

Risk Priority Number = Severity x Occurrence x Detection

  1. Severity: The severity of the failure mode is ranked on a scale from 1 to 10.
  2. Occurrence: The potential of failure occurrence is rated on a scale from 1 to 10.
  3. Detection: The capability of failure detection is ranked on a scale from 1 to 10.

What is FMEA tool?

Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is a systematic, proactive method for evaluating a process to identify where and how it might fail and to assess the relative impact of different failures, in order to identify the parts of the process that are most in need of change.

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