How do you politely reject a recruiter?

How do you politely reject a recruiter?

Happy Where I Am

  1. I’m flattered, but I am very happy where I am. Thank you!
  2. Thank you for reaching out. At this time, I am not interested in the position personally.
  3. Thanks for the info.
  4. Thank you for reaching out regarding the opportunity at [company].
  5. Thank you for reaching out to me, I appreciate the inquiry.

How do you politely say you are not interested in a job?

The best approach is to be brief but honest about your specific reason for not accepting the position, saying something like:

  1. After careful consideration, I’ve decided to accept a position at another company.
  2. After much thought, I’ve decided that now is not the best time to leave my current position.

How do you back out to a recruiter?

Let them know you’re interested, but don’t be aggressive. Keep your tone light and friendly, and focus on next steps. It’s important that you communicate with the recruiter with enthusiasm, not desperation. The most important tip: don’t call. Recruiters are often very busy and they don’t appreciate unscheduled calls.

What to say when reaching out to recruiters?

If you have a minute, I’d love the opportunity to discuss how my (Skills) and experiences in (Industry) might match up with positions you’re recruiting for. Would love to hop on the phone to discuss. Please feel free to reach out to me at (Number). Looking forward to chatting with you!”

Why don t recruiters follow up?

The hiring manager may find it difficult to justify the company’s about-turn and the time and effort he and you have sunk into the process. So, the recruiter may simply stop calling you or give you a standard response when you try to follow up.

How long does it take for recruiters to respond?

one to two weeks

What is recruiter ghosting?

Recruiter Ghosting Ruins Your Candidate Experience. Ghosting, if you haven’t heard, is a common event in dating: one person goes radio silent without explanation after exchanging several messages or even after a few dates.

What does it mean when a recruiter reaches out to you?

The recruiter is trying to line up candidates for their company or client and usually have a timeline they’re working with. And don’t waste their time by skirting around the truth regarding your interest in the role. The recruiter reached out, but you still must show your excitement for the opportunity.

What if I don’t want to give a reference?

If your old employer doesn’t want to give you a reference, you could ask them just to give a short one – known as a ‘basic reference’. For example, they could confirm when you worked for them and what your job title was. A lot of employers only give basic references, so your new employer won’t think it’s unusual.

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