What should a server resume look like?

What should a server resume look like?

A high-quality server resume should include a brief summary that describes your professional self in a few sentences, a list of all of your restaurant and bar experience, and bullet points that highlight the skills and qualities that will set you apart from the competition.

Can nurses have fake nails?

Some hospitals and nursing schools ban all form of nail polish, which can upset some nurses. However, many institutions only ban long fingernails and artificial nails, which have been shown to have higher risks of infection than ordinary nail polish.

Does nail polish harbor bacteria?

Background: Acrylic nails harbor more bacteria than natural nails, and wear is not recommended for health care workers (HCWs). This study sought to evaluate the bacterial burden of gel nails, standard nail polish, and natural nails on the hands of HCWs.

Can nail fungus live in Polish?

In terms of direct spread of the fungus from nail to nail (or person to person) through a bottle of polish, the chances of this happening are fairly low. A bottle of polish isn’t exactly the most conducive environment for fungal growth. However, while the risk is low, it isn’t exactly zero, either.

Are Fake nails unsanitary?

Acrylic nails can harbor Staphylococcus aureus, fungus, and other organisms that could be transmitted to patients. One study of artificial nails among health care workers found that 73% had some kind of organism on the underside of their nails, compared with 32% of those with natural nails.

Can you make a living being a dental assistant?

The national average annual wage of a dental assistant is $39,770, according to the BLS, which is markedly less than the national average wage for all occupations, $51,960.

Why is dental assisting a good career?

Dental Assisting is a field many people want to break into– and for good reason. Dental Assistants enjoy a career that’s both personally and professionally fulfilling. As a Dental Assistant, not only will Dentists and Hygienists rely on you, you’ll also be responsible for helping patients feel comfortable and happy.

What is better medical assistant or dental assistant?

Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) attests that dental aides made a higher median income compared to medical assistants in 2018. That year, dental aides earned a median salary of $38, 660 while medical aides made a median of $33, 610.

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