How do you hide posts from someone without unfriending them on Facebook?

How do you hide posts from someone without unfriending them on Facebook?

You can unfollow someone to stop seeing their posts in your feed. To unfollow someone, go to their profile, hover over Following and then scroll down to select Unfollow.

How do I hide other people’s posts on Facebook?

Head to News Feed > Edit Preferences at the top-left of the page. When the Preferences menu pops up, select “Unfollow people to hide their posts.” Now you can go through and select people, pages, or groups that you don’t want to follow and then click the Done button at the bottom.

How do I stop seeing posts without unfriending?

Go to your friend’s timeline page by clicking on their name. The “Following” button will be checked, as shown, meaning that you currently follow the person (i.e. you see their updates on your News Feed). Click the “Unfollow” option to unfollow them.

What happens when you hide someone’s post on Facebook?

When you hide a photo or post you’re tagged in on your timeline, people won’t be able to see it when they visit your timeline. But the photo or post will still be visible to the audience it’s shared with in other places on Facebook, such as in News Feed or Search.

Will someone know if I hide their post from my timeline?

If you hide a post from your Timeline, your friend will not be notified that you hid the post.

Why don’t I see my friends posts on Facebook?

The reason you can’t see friends’ status on Facebook is because of an algorithm Facebook uses to cut down the “noise” on your profile. This algorithm looks at which friends you’ve had the most interactions with, and then only shows you posts from those people.

Will someone know if I add them to Restricted List?

They will not know that they’re on your restricted list. You will still be able to chat with them via Messenger and you’ll see their posts in your News Feed as normal. Let’s say you don’t want your supervisor to see everything you post on Facebook, so you add him to your restricted list.

Why can’t I see a friends posts on Facebook?

– Make sure you’re using the most updated version of the app or browser; – Restart your computer or phone; – Uninstall and reinstall the app, if you’re using a phone; – Log into Facebook and try again.

Why can’t I see posts on my friends wall 2020?

The most restricted standard privacy setting is “Friends Only,” which only stops non-friends from seeing a Wall. If you are friends with someone and still cannot see that user’s wall, it means your friend has customized his or her Wall privacy.

How do you make sure all your friends see your Facebook posts?

Consider changing the privacy setting to “Public.” This means that anyone can see the post, even people outside of Facebook. The process is simple: in the status window, click on “Friends.” A drop-down menu will appear. From there you can select which audience you would like to have access to this post.

Do all my Facebook friends see my posts?

The news feed is continually updating to show you your friends’ posts, which means, no – you won’t see every single post from every single friend. So everyone who is your friend most likely won’t see every single one of your Facebook posts on their news feed.

What percentage of Facebook friends see your posts?


How do I make my timeline private on Facebook 2020?

Make Your Timeline Private The first step to Facebook privacy is making your profile, or Timeline, private. To do this, go to Privacy Settings > How You Connect and change the settings for “Who can post on your timeline?” and “Who can see posts by others on your timeline?” from “Public” to “Friends.”

How do I hide my Facebook activity?

To hide or delete something you’ve shared using activity log:

  1. Click in the top right of Facebook.
  2. Select Settings & Privacy > Activity Log.
  3. Click Filter in the top left of your activity log. From here, you can filter your activity by:
  4. You’ll see the things you’ve shared in the left column.

How do I hide everything on my Facebook timeline?

Facebook also has a tool to hide public Timeline posts en masse. To do this, navigate to Settings > Privacy > Limit Past Posts. After clicking the Limit Past Posts button, a warning will pop up advising that all your public posts will be converted to Friends only.

Can I make my Facebook page invisible?

To become invisible, first you need to get to your Facebook Settings. Once you’re signed in, just click on the upper right hand corner and press Settings, as demonstrated above. That will get you to your Settings menu, where you will be able to become invisible on Facebook.

Does the order of friends on Facebook mean anything?

The algorithm chooses interactions, activity, communication, photos, etc. This determines which friends will show up on top and have priority. The friends that you communicate with most often will usually be first on this list.

How do you increase post reach on Facebook?

20 Strategies to Boost Facebook Organic Reach

  1. Build Your Presence and Authority.
  2. Drive Facebook Organic Reach By Publishing Evergreen Content.
  3. Create a Facebook Group for Your Most Engaged Audience Members.
  4. Use Organic Post Targeting.
  5. Post When Your Competitors Are Asleep.
  6. Post the Content Your Users Like.

Why is my post reach so low on facebook?

Basically, if you post too often or too rare, your Facebook social reach is likely to go down. What’s more, this works differently depending on what type of page you run. According to some research, there’s a pretty clear difference between brand pages and media pages when it comes to post frequency.

How can I get more likes on my Facebook posts?

I’ll give you the top tips and best practices to get more likes and shares on Facebook without spending money.

  1. Create shareable content.
  2. Keep your posts short.
  3. Comment on other pages.
  4. Create an effective profile picture and cover photo.
  5. Run contests.
  6. It’s all about “you”
  7. Hop on trending topics early.
  8. Take a stand to stand out.

Should you like your own posts on Facebook?

While some people reacted in pure disgust at the very thought of someone liking their own post, others say it’s perfectly acceptable. What do you think? The consensus around here is that it’s unnecessary; obviously you “like” what you posted or else you wouldn’t have posted it in the first place.

What is the best time of day to post on FB?

According to a Buffer study, the best time to post to Facebook is between 1pm – 3pm on during the week and Saturdays. We also found that engagement rates are 18% higher on Thursdays and Fridays. The best time to post to Facebook is between 1pm – 3pm on during the week and Saturdays.

How much posting is too much on Facebook?

As a general rule, Socialbakers found that posting once per week on Facebook was so low as to lose connection with your audience and posting more than twice per day was crossing the line into annoying. Its 2011 study found that the sweet spot is five to 10 posts per week.

How do I stop social media from posting so much?

5 Ways to Avoid Oversharing on Social Media

  1. Share with Real Friends. When you feel the need to share something personal, make sure you do it in person and with people you trust.
  2. Turn off Most Location-based Apps.
  3. Be Selective About Instant Sharing On Social Networks.
  4. Regularly Update Your Settings.
  5. Consider a Service That Monitors Your Reputation.

Who uses Facebook most?


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