How do I get rid of waiting for network?

How do I get rid of waiting for network?

Step 1: Open device settings and go to Apps/Application Manager. Step 2: Under All apps, tap on Messenger. Step 3: Tap on Storage followed by Clear Cache. Restart your device.

What is waiting for network?

‘Waiting for network’ means that the app is having problems connecting to a network. This means that users cannot send or receive any messages and are completely unable to communicate using the app.

How do I fix messenger waiting for network?

Fix Facebook Messenger Waiting for Network Error

  1. Solution 1: Make sure that you have Internet Access.
  2. Solution 2: Restart your Device.
  3. Solution 3: Clear Cache and Data for Messenger.
  4. Solution 4: Make sure Battery Saver isn’t interfering with Messenger.
  5. Solution 5: Exempt Messenger from Data Saver Restrictions.
  6. Solution 6: Force Stop Messenger and then Start again.

Why does messenger say no Internet connection?

The Facebook Messenger not connecting problem is often caused by the network connection issue. On iPhone, you should go to Settings> General> Reset> Reset Network Settings. Here you will be asked to enter the passcode. Just type in the password correctly and tap on Reset Network Settings to confirm your option.

How do I fix Messenger problems?

If your messaging app stops, how do you fix it?

  1. Go into your home screen and then tap on the Settings menu.
  2. Scroll down and then tap on the Apps selection.
  3. Then scroll down to the Message app in the menu and tap on it.
  4. Then tap on the Storage selection.
  5. You should see two options; Clear Data and Clear Cache. Tap on both.

Why does my Facebook say no internet when I try to log in?

However, a connection error occurs due to several reasons one of which is that the browser or the Facebook app is not able to connect to the internet. This means you might be having some connection problems at the time with your broadband or SIM card service provider.

How do you reset your network settings?

How to reset network settings on an Android device

  1. Open the Settings app on your Android.
  2. Scroll to and tap either “General management” or “System,” depending on what device you have.
  3. Tap either “Reset” or “Reset options.”
  4. Tap the words “Reset network settings.”
  5. You’ll have to confirm that you want to reset your network settings.

Why is my 4g LTE not working?

Paths can differ slightly depending your Android version and phone manufacturer, but you can usually enable Airplane mode by going to Settings > Wireless & networks > Airplane mode. Turn it on for at least a couple of seconds, then disable it. In a lot of cases your LTE connection issues will be gone.

Why is my Internet connected but not working?

If the Internet works fine on other devices, the problem lies with your device and its WiFi adapter. On the other hand, if the Internet doesn’t work on other devices too, then the problem is most likely with the router or the Internet connection itself. If your router and modem are separate, restart both.

Why idea internet is not working?

If your smartphone is not configured with the network settings. Internet connection will not work on your number. Or a few more causes can be, If you are in a roaming area, Enable SIM Data roaming from mobile network settings or it can be your internet data services disabled.

What do I do if Idea Internet is not working?

How to setup Idea Internet Settings on Windows smartphone

  1. Go to settings & click on the “Mobile+GSM” option on your iOS smartphone.
  2. Set Data roaming option to “Don’t Roam”.
  3. Set connection speed to 4G.
  4. Go back and go to the “Access Point” option.
  5. Now click on Add icon.
  6. Connection Name: Idea internet.
  7. Set APN to – Internet.

How can I speed up my idea internet?

How to increase internet speed in Idea 4G

  1. Open mobile setting.
  2. Select sim slot of Idea.
  3. Now, tap on the access point.
  4. Click on “create new access point”
  5. Fill the details shared in the below section to increase Idea 4g speed.
  6. Then save the access point and use it.

How fast should my Internet be?

A good internet speed is at least 25 Mbps of download speed and 3 Mbps of upload speed. Some people can get away with fewer Mbps and others need more—but 25 Mbps is a good internet speed for most people.

How can I speed up my Internet in Windows 10?

How To Get Faster Upload & Download Speeds In Windows 10

  1. Change The Bandwidth Limit In Windows 10.
  2. Close Apps That Use Too Much Bandwidth.
  3. Disable Metered Connection.
  4. Turn Off Background Applications.
  5. Delete Temporary Files.
  6. Use a Download Manager Program.
  7. Use Another Web Browser.
  8. Remove Viruses & Malware From Your PC.

Why is my 5GHz WiFi slower than 2.4 GHz?

A 5GHz wireless LAN will almost always be slower than 2.4 GHz – the 5GHz frequencies are subject to greater attenuation so that you end up with a weaker signal at the same distance. Given the same levels of noise, a weaker signal results in a lower SNR (signal-to-noise ratio) and a lower quality connetcion.

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