How do you spell time sensitive?

How do you spell time sensitive?

adjective. (of a product, document, or information) useful or relevant for only a limited amount of time: These time-sensitive papers must be signed immediately.

How do you use time sensitive in a sentence?

time sensitive in a sentence

  2. We use SMS for time sensitive alerts, text messages, and information.
  3. The Blackbird was designed to capture time sensitive intelligence especially in denied airspace.

What is time sensitive?

Meaning of time-sensitive in English used to describe a product that has to be delivered by a particular time, or information that is only useful for a particular period: We deliver high-value, time-sensitive goods like cars, computers and specialist chemicals.

Is time bound hyphenated?

Are you trying to hyphenate time-bound? Unfortunately it cannot be hyphenated because it only contains one syllable.

What is meant by time bound?

Time bound is a goal or task that is measured or restricted by time. This means. That you would have only a certain amount of time to achieve that.

How do you spell time bound?

Correct spelling for the English word “time-bound” is [tˈa͡ɪmbˈa͡ʊnd], [tˈa‍ɪmbˈa‍ʊnd], [t_ˈaɪ_m_b_ˈaʊ_n_d] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

Why Time Bound is essential in planning?

Time Management is essentially the ability to organize and plan the time spent on activities in a day. The result of good time management is increased effectiveness and productivity. It is a key aspect of project management and involves skills such as planning, setting goals and prioritizing for a better performance.

How do you use time bound in a sentence?

time bound in a sentence

  1. This results in a time bound of for the saturating push operations.
  2. Other more sophisticated parallel sorting algorithms can achieve even better time bounds.
  3. These runs are conducted at heritage sites and are not time bound.
  4. This results in a time bound of for the nonsaturating push operations.

Is bound to in a sentence?

(1) Talk of the Devil, and he is bound to appear. (3) His sister had been bound to secrecy. (4) Everyone’s opinion is bound to be subjective. (5) Your work is bound to be successful.

How do you use staggered in a sentence?

Staggered sentence example

  1. She staggered on trembling legs.
  2. Her legs were so numb that she staggered and grabbed the stirrup.
  3. She staggered at the sensation, taking in the crumbled world around her.
  4. Jackson didn’t speak, just staggered to the bar and opened another bottle.

Is staggered a word?

noun. the act of staggering; a reeling or tottering movement or motion. a staggered order or arrangement.

What is staggered pattern?

“Staggered” refers to a pattern of installing the tile so that the tiles’ natural shape is the edge of the area rather than the tile being cut to make a straight edge. This look embodies an “unfinished” style that is at once both casual and refined, with an opportunity to showcase the craft of tile installation.

What does blindly mean?

adverb. in a blind manner: We felt our way blindly through the black tunnel. without understanding, reservation, or objection; unthinkingly: They followed their leaders blindly. without continuation: The passage ended blindly 50 feet away.

What is it called when you follow someone blindly?

synonyms: jingoistic, chauvinistic, excessively patriotic, excessively nationalistic, flag-waving, xenophobic, racist, racialist, ethnocentric. loyalist. sheep / sheeple. blind follower.

What type of word is blindly?

There are two adverbs that come from the adjective blind. Blindly means ‘not being able to see what you are doing’ or ‘not thinking about something’. The adverb blind is mainly used in the context of flying and means ‘without being able to see’, ‘using instruments only’.

What does it mean to blindly follow someone?

if you obey or support someone blindly, you do it without thinking for yourself whether what you are doing is right. They just blindly followed the instructions they were given. This group is blindly loyal to the president.

What is it called when you follow someone?

A follower is a person who believes in a particular cause, faith, or specific person. When you play tag and the person who’s “it” runs behind you as you dodge around trees, that person is a follower. The Old English root is folgere, “servant or disciple,” from folgian, “follow, accompany, or pursue.”

What do you call a person who follows rules?

obedient Add to list Share. Use obedient to describe someone who knows the rules, toes the line, and follows instructions. The word can refer to people (an obedient student), a group (obedient citizens), or even animals (an obedient dog).

What do you call a follower?

Some common synonyms of follower are adherent, disciple, and partisan. While all these words mean “one who gives full loyalty and support to another,” follower may apply to people who attach themselves either to the person or beliefs of another. an evangelist and his followers.

What makes someone a follower?

A true leader influences others to be their best. Likewise, anyone can become a follower, even while holding a leadership position. If you’re a slave to the status quo, lack vision, or don’t motivate everyone around you to be their absolute best, then you’re a follower.

What are some examples of a follower?

The definition of a follower is someone who agrees with the beliefs of others, or listens to the lead or commands of another. An example of a follower is a devout Catholic who abides with the teachings of the faith.

What are effective followers?

Effective followers are well-balanced and responsible adults who can succeed without strong leadership. Many followers believe they offer as much value to the organization as leaders do, especially in project or task-force situations.

How do I know if I am a leader or a follower?

1. You have to work to control your emotions. The best leaders have emotional intelligence; they may feel things deeply but they’re emotionally strong and stay in charge of their feelings. Followers are more reactive with their emotions, while leaders are more responsive.

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