What is the antonym of skilled?

What is the antonym of skilled?

The opposite of skilled is unskilled, which would apply to someone without a particular talent. Definitions of skilled. adjective. having or showing or requiring special skill.

What is a highly skilled professional?

The Highly-Skilled Foreign Professional visa is a working visa designed to attract highly-skilled professionals (scientists, engineers, lawyers, and business executives, among others) to come work in Japan by giving them preferential visa processing and residency benefits.

What is highly skilled professional in Japan?

(1) Highly Skilled Professional (a) Highly Skilled Academic Research Activities Activities of engaging in teaching, research guidance or education based on a contract entered into with a public or private organization in Japan, which include activities of managing businesses in conjunction with research activities.

What are skilled immigrants?

Highly skilled immigrants are an essential part of the United States’ workforce, filling critical labor gaps and contributing specialized skills, particularly in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields where demand for knowledgeable workers is consistently high.

What is another word for professionally?

What is another word for professional?

expert accomplished
excellent fine
polished finished
skilled proficient
competent capable

What’s another word for hustle?

Hustle Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for hustle?

race rush
get a move on dart
sprint charge
gallop streak
whizz scramble

How do you say someone is hard-working?


  1. active.
  2. busy.
  3. determined.
  4. diligent.
  5. hard-working.
  6. industrious.
  7. laborious.
  8. persevering.

What’s another word for diligent?

Some common synonyms of diligent are assiduous, busy, industrious, and sedulous. While all these words mean “actively engaged or occupied,” diligent suggests earnest application to some specific object or pursuit.

What is the adjective of diligent?

Merriam-Webster’s Word of the Day. diligent. Merriam-Webster’s Word of the Day for January 28, 2020 is: diligent \DIL-uh-junt\ adjective. : characterized by steady, earnest, and energetic effort : painstaking.

Is diligence a strength?

Diligence is, essentially, applied strengths, or “strengths in action.” Working in one’s area of strengths provides a natural motivation to care about one’s work and the perseverance to carry it through to completion.

How do you describe diligence?

Diligence is defined as determination and careful effort. An example of diligence is a person who does a job efficiently and takes care of little details.

What is diligence needed?

Diligence means earnest and persistent application to accomplish something. It also refers to the degree of care from a person required in a given situation. Necessary diligence refers to the diligence that a person is required to exercise to be legally protected.

What is due diligence example?

The due diligence business definition refers to organizations practicing prudence by carefully assessing associated costs and risks prior to completing transactions. Examples include purchasing new property or equipment, implementing new business information systems, or integrating with another firm.

What does working diligently mean?

Doing something diligently means doing it thoroughly and well. It’s the opposite of doing it lazily or shoddily. If you are tireless, persevering, and do things with great care, then you do things diligently. This is an adverb that goes with hard and careful work.

What does diligently seeking God mean?

The seeking is the conscious effort to get through the natural means to God himself—to constantly set our minds toward God in all our experiences, to direct our minds and hearts toward him through the means of his revelation. This is what seeking God means.

How do you use diligently?

  1. He had studied diligently at college.
  2. They worked diligently all morning.
  3. He applied himself diligently to learning French.
  4. They worked diligently on the task they had been given.
  5. The two sides are now working diligently to resolve their differences.
  6. Brennan has worked diligently to recast the company’s image.

What makes a person diligent?

Characteristics of diligent people include punctuality, self-motivation and perseverance without complaining. Diligent people also demonstrate an eagerness to learn new things in order to improve personal skill sets. Even if a task is difficult to complete, a diligent person does his best.

Is diligence a personality trait?

The character trait of diligence is defined as investing time and energy to complete each task and finish it well. Disciplining yourself to be steadfast in doing things right when no one is looking is diligence. Daily attending to details so that your work is signed with excellence is diligence.

Is diligent the same as hardworking?

As adjectives the difference between diligent and hardworking. is that diligent is performing with intense concentration, focus, responsible regard while hardworking is of a person, taking their work seriously and doing it well and rapidly.

Why is being diligent important?

A diligent person is he who shows persistent and hardworking effort in doing something. In this way, diligence may rather be regarded as a combination of both hard work and patience because being persistent requires patience. Diligence is needed in all spheres of life as it is one of the key ingredients for success.

How do you show diligence at work?

15 Fulfilling Ways to be Diligent

  1. Rise up early.
  2. Put God first.
  3. Exercise every morning.
  4. Have a goal to accomplish in a certain period.
  5. Be a good planner.
  6. Be inspired by yourself or your loved ones.
  7. Overcome procrastination.
  8. Discipline yourself not to sleep until everything in your to-do-list for the day has been accomplished.

How can I learn diligently?

How to be a diligent student

  1. Keep a planner/ Task Scheduler. A planner assists you in organizing your time and keeps you diligent.
  2. Start early with school projects. if you fail to prepare you’re prepared to fail Click To Tweet.
  3. Don’t overextend yourself with extra-curricular activities.
  4. Overcome distractions.

Is diligence a skill?

In every circumstance in which we undertake something, we experience outcomes.

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