What is VIPKid certification?

What is VIPKid certification?

As a VIPKID teacher, certifications should be a term you know and understand. Teachers earn certifications in order to teach new levels of students. These certifications help parents select the perfect VIPKID teacher for their son or daughter.

What certification do you need for VIPKid?

Vipkid Requirements must have a TESOL/TEFL/CELTA or official teaching certificate from your country. VIPKid DOES provide TESOL certification for its teachers in the training process, however it is not recognized by other companies in the industry.

How much do you really make with VIPKid?

The minimum class pay for VIPKID is $7-9 per 25-minute class (so $14-18 per hour). But there are other cash incentives as well, such as $1 per class for showing up on time and then another extra $1 per class for finishing more than 45 classes in a month.

How does VIPKid verify your degree?

VIPKid accepts pictures of any of the following: Picture of physical certificate of bachelor’s degree or higher. Copy of official transcript, (signed, sealed, or with watermark) which indicate you have been awarded the degree of a bachelor’s degree or higher. Degree Verification from National Students Clearing House.

How long does it take to get bookings on Vipkid?

Most of us don’t have the luxury of getting booked for classes right away once we’re hired by VIP Kid. Expect to wait anywhere from 48 hours to 4 weeks before you are booked to teach your first class.

Can you teach Vipkid at night?

When can I teach an overnight? Technically you can teach an overnight any day of the week if you can get booked for it! Typically this means the weekends, but you are more likely to be successful during weekdays if you teach very young students who aren’t in school yet.

How much does Vipkid pay monthly?

VIPKID can look just about however you want it to: You can turn it into a full-time job and work all hours of the night, earning $4,000 per month. Or you can do what I do and teach a few hours each morning, earning between around $150 and $700 per month depending on your schedule.

Do you get paid more for short notice classes Vipkid?

You Can Make More Money When you teach a VIPKID short notice class, you do the exact same amount of work but make $2 more. If you were booked for two short notice classes in one hour, you’d make an extra $4 in bonuses.

How much do you get paid for trial classes Vipkid?

You do not get paid any extra for teaching VIPKid trial classes, however, you do get paid half IF they do not show up for the class. You will also get paid a $5 bonus per trial student that signs up after your class. Some teachers do not like trial classes, but I personally do for that $5 bonus potential!.

What does 24 hour mean on Vipkid?

Short Notice allows you to mark a slot to be booked within 24 hours of the class time. You can designate any slot as SN, even if you’ve opened the slot far in advance. If the slot doesn’t book in advance, it can be grabbed up until an hour before the class time.

What does PPT mean in Vipkid?

peak time and peak-peak time

How far in advance can parents book Vipkid?

two weeks

How do Vipkid teachers get paid?

VIPKid pays starts at $7 per class with an incentive based on classes taught. For your first 20 classes, you are paid $. 80 per class. VIPKid has an option for weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly pay, via direct deposit.

What are the peak times for Gogokid?

Peak teaching times are from 12am – 9am EST and 9pm – 11:30pm EST. You are only required to teach a minimum of one class per week. Gogokid pays $14 – $25 USD per hour based on qualifications, attendance and your performance.

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