How do you say eager to learn?

How do you say eager to learn?

eagerness to learn; studiousness; inquisitiveness; thirst for knowledge; appetite for knowledge.

How do you use eager in a sentence?

Eager sentence example

  1. He seemed eager to talk all night.
  2. Betsy was more than eager to comply.
  3. “You look as eager for tomorrow as I am,” he said.
  4. I left the well-house eager to learn.
  5. We barely slept that night, in eager anticipation of glimpsing our first rays of sunshine!
  6. I am eager to know.

How do you say learn new things?

to learn new things synonym, to learn new things definition | Thesaurus

  1. acquire, attain, become able, grasp, imbibe, master, pick up.
  2. commit to memory, con (archaic) get off pat, get (something) word-perfect, learn by heart, memorize.

What do you call a person who want to learn new things?

Inquisitive. An inquisitive person is intellectually curious, eager for knowledge and likes to inquire, research and ask questions.

What type of word is grasp?

grasp verb (HOLD)

What is another word for grasp?

Some common synonyms of grasp are clutch, grab, seize, snatch, and take. While all these words mean “to get hold of by or as if by catching up with the hand,” grasp stresses a laying hold so as to have firmly in possession.

How do you use the word grasp?

English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word “Grasp” in Example Sentences Page 1

  1. [S] [T] He tried to grasp the rail. (
  2. [S] [T] This work is beyond my grasp. (
  3. [S] [T] He has a good grasp of English. (
  4. [S] [T] The problem is beyond my grasp. (
  5. [S] [T] He grasped the rope with two hands. (

What does grasp mean in science?

Given, Required, Analysis, Solution, and Paraphrase

How can brevity in writing be achieved?

Practice the following five techniques to harness the power of brevity in your writing.

  1. Watch your sentence length. A good rule of thumb is to look again at any sentence that’s longer than 20 words.
  2. Use simple and direct sentence structure.
  3. Avoid jargon and technical language.
  4. Break up the text.
  5. Write in the active voice.

What type of word is yelling?


Which word Nearly means yelling?

In this page you can discover 59 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for yell, like: holler, shout, bellow, shriek, squeal, screech, protest, roar, howl, squall and hoot.

What’s another word for yelling?

Synonyms & Antonyms of yell

  • howl,
  • scream,
  • screech,
  • shriek,
  • shrill,
  • squall,
  • squeal,
  • yelp.

What is the meaning of squawk?

1 : to utter a harsh abrupt scream. 2 : to complain or protest loudly or vehemently opponents of the bill squawked. squawk. noun.

What is another word for exclaimed?

SYNONYMS FOR exclaim 1, 2 shout, proclaim, vociferate; yell, shriek, scream, holler, howl.

What is the opposite of yelled?

Opposite of to have shouted or screamed, typically to express negative emotions. mumbled. chuntered. grumbled. muttered.

How do you spell yelled?

Correct spelling for the English word “yelled” is [jˈɛld], [jˈɛld], [j_ˈɛ_l_d] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

What does bellowed mean?

1 : to make the loud deep hollow sound characteristic of a bull. 2 : to shout in a deep voice. transitive verb. : bawl bellows the orders. Bellow.

What’s another word for scared?

1 scared, fearful, disquieted, apprehensive, timid, timorous.

How do you say I’m scared?

Idioms for being afraid, frightened

  1. Heebie-jeebies. These unusual words are used to express a feeling of fear and being uncomfortable.
  2. Make your blood run cold.
  3. Jumped out of my sskinkin!
  4. Heart missed a beat.
  5. Scared out of my wits.
  6. Scared the living daylights out of me!
  7. Shook like a leaf.
  8. Quaking in my boots.

What is the strongest word for scared?


  • afraid.
  • anxious.
  • fearful.
  • panicky.
  • startled.
  • petrified.
  • shaken.
  • terrified.

What is a fearful person called?

I think chicken-hearted is a better option than timid as timid can also mean shy or lacking confidence and jumpy is usually used in the context of being anxious or excitable: chicken-hearted. Oxford dictionaries. Easily frightened; cowardly.

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