What is the difference between wonder and curiosity?

What is the difference between wonder and curiosity?

“wonder” is a VERB – I am wondering what to do.It implies you have a problem and you are asking yourself what you should do. “curious” is an ADJECTIVE meaning you want to know something. “I am curious about that man. He seems very strange to me” .

Who said Wonder is the beginning of wisdom?


What is the definition curiosity?

1 : desire to know: a : inquisitive interest in others’ concerns : nosiness The construction inside their house aroused the curiosity of their neighbors. b : interest leading to inquiry intellectual curiosity Her natural curiosity led her to ask more questions.

Is Curiosity rover still alive?

This robot is known as Curiosity and it’s still there on Mars, working properly after its successful landing in 2012. The rover is still operational as of February 2021 and it has been on Mars for 3034 sols (3117 Earth days) since landing on the 6th of August in the year 2012.

Is there more to the saying curiosity killed the cat?

“What, courage man! what though care killed a cat, thou hast mettle enough in thee to kill care.” The proverbial expression ‘curiosity killed the cat’, which is usually used when attempting to stop someone asking unwanted questions, is much more recent.

Who murdered the cat?

Who Killed the Cat?
Produced by Maurice J. Wilson
Screenplay by Maurice J. Wilson Montgomery Tully
Based on play Tabitha by Arnold Ridley and Mary Cathcart Borer
Starring Mary Merrall Ellen Pollock Amy Dalby

Why did author love his cat so much?

Answer: The cat and the author were very fond of each other. The author said that the cat was never far from him. He had rescued it when it was a kitten and he felt that it knew that he was the one responsible for giving it ‘the good life’.

How did the coming back of the cat?

The author and the cat missed each other very much . The absence of the cat from the author’s life had made him gloomy. with the return of the cat, the feeling of loss and tragedy seemed to diminish. The author was overwhelmed by the kindness shown by the lady by returning his cat back to him.

Why does the author say my cat was back and so was?

Answer: “My cat was back and so was I” means that he had found his cat and he himself had a new outlook on life. He got his cat back after he had lost all hope of finding it. He said that he was also back because he had a feeling of gratitude for his life now.

How did Zan feel after the cat had been returned to him?

Zan too had returned to his normal cheerful life as his cat had returned home. This story reflects the challenges of being a teenager and the problems of growing up. The narrator in this story is a teenager who finds it difficult to make new friends and adjust to a new place. He feels lonely and depressed.

Where was the cat after the fire?

Answer. The cat had ran far away from the house when the fire had caught up.

Which words show his fear and insecurity?

Some of the words that show his fear and insecurity are ‘outcast’, ‘geek’, ‘wanted to curl up and die’, ‘zombie’, and ‘surreal’.

Why is the author deeply embarrassed the next?

He was deeply embarrassed the next day at school because of the state in which he was. His shoes were gone in the fire and he had to wear tennis shoes to school. He had no homework or books and his backpack was also burnt in the fire.

Why is the other deeply embarrassed the next day in school which words show his fear and insecurity?

Answer Expert Verified ANSWER : The author is deeply embarrassed the next day in school because the author has lost everything in the fire. He is not in his school dress. He is wearing a tennis shoes of his aunt.

How did the author feel when he went to his new school after the fire accident?

Explanation: the author felt strange as his clothe,shoes,bag was burnt in the fire which struck his house. He taught that in school he will be differentiated but his friends and teachers got to know about the accident and helped him out.

How did the narrator Realise that he was not alone in the world?

How did the narrator realise that he was not alone in the world? Ans. Unfortunately, a fierce fire had burnt down the narrator’s house. He had lost everything in the fire and become deserted.

What did the old teachers of the narrator tell him when he had gone to meet them?

Answer. Answer: The narrator feels isolated in his new school. His old school teachers and friends are dear to him.

How did the author get rid of his feelings of loss and tragedy?

After many months when his house was rebuilt, a lady brought back his beloved cat to him whom he missed a lot and this is how he overcame the feelings of loss and tragedy at the end of the story.

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