Facts and values: the problem of objectivity in sociology from the perspective of the Homo suadens

Hechos y valores: el problema de la objetividad en la sociología desde la perspectiva del Homo suadens

The dilemma between facts and values is a controversial constant within the social sciences. Throughout the history of sociology are many theorists that have spoken out about it, producing responses are very heterogeneous and keeping alive the debate. It has been stressed many times that in the social sciences the observer is at once subject and object of research, making the distance between the scientist and the objects of study the main difference between the social and human sciences with regard to the rest. So, from the other sciences is still casting doubt on the scientificity of sociology to understand the impossibility of separating the subjective dimension of scientific practice, every time they think –wrongly– that science is made aseptic and impenetrable subjectivities.

Our proposal, which we have presented Israel and I in the XI Spanish Congress of Sociology, before setting a series of desiderátums that dissolve once and for all the problem of objectivity in sociology, is intended to provide a new explanatory framework from the perspectivadel Homo suadens, developed by the brothers Castro Nogueira (et al.), and that has its origin in the Strong Programme of the sociology of scientific knowledge.

It can also be seen in:
Libro of Proceedings of the XI Spanish Congress of Sociology, Volume II (July, 2014, pp. 1048-1058) published with ISBN: 978-84-697-0169-0.

Paper presentation in the oral presentation:

Facts and values: the problem of objectivity in sociology from the perspective of the Homo suadens from Rubén Crespo
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Full text of the communication

Facts and Values. Homo Suadens

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