What is a facet of your personality?
In psychology, a facet is a specific and unique aspect of a broader personality trait. Each of the Big Five personality traits in the five factor model contains six facets, each of which is measured with a separate scale.
Is 5.5 tall for a girl?
It’s definitely above average. Average female height I believe is around 5′4″, so 5′7″ is fairly tall. I also see quite a few taller Korean females as well — often between 5′7–5′10″ or thereabouts.
What’s tall for a girl?
Any height above that is considered above average. A TALL height would be above 5′7″. But if you went somewhere like the Netherlands where women ARE and average of 5′7″ tall in their eyes is above 5′10″, or if you went to Bolivia where the average height is 4′8″ for a female, just 5 feet is tall in their eyes.
What is short for a girl?
Originally Answered: How short can a girl be? World wide average height of a female is 5 feet 3 inches. Different nationalities will have different height averages for women, for example in America the average height for a women is 5 feet 4 inches so anything below would be considered short.
Can I marry a short girl?
There is nothing wrong to marry a short girl many examples have already been given in this thread. If every thing is fine then go and marry the girl. Remember there is shortage of girls in every caste and if there is a proposal of marriage and you like do not reject her only on the basis of height.
Is 153 cm short for a girl?
women. short under 5’4″, average 5’4″-5’7″, tall 5’8″ and up. In developed countries, this typically includes adult men who are shorter than 166 centimetres (5 ft 5 in) tall and adult women who are shorter than 153 centimetres (5 ft 0 in) tall.
Is 153 cm short for a 13-year-old boy?
The average height of a 13-year-old boy (according to RSPCH) is around 155cm making 153cm ever so slightly shorter than average.