What is a form in architecture?

What is a form in architecture?

Form refers to the shape or configuration of a building. Form and its opposite, space, constitute primary elements of architecture. Just as internal space is created by voids in building form, exterior space can be defined or poorly defined by the building form as well.

What is form and space?

Form and shape are areas or masses which define objects in space. Form and shape imply space; indeed they cannot exist without space. Form and shape can be thought of as either two dimensional or three dimensional. Two dimensional form has width and height. It can also create the illusion of three dimension objects.

What is the difference between form and space?

Space encompasses the volume of a structure, the parts of a building we move through and experience. But space can only be created through the use of form. Form is the mass, or grouping of materials, used to give a building its shape.

What is linear form in architecture?

A linear organization usually consists of repetitive spaces which are alike in size, form, and function. It may also consist of a single linear space that organizes along its length a series of spaces that differ in size, form, or function. In both cases, each space along the sequence has an exterior exposure.

What are linear elements in design?

LINEAR ELEMENTS IN ARCHITECTURE. Vertical linear elements such as columns, obelisks and towers, have been used throughout history to commemorate significant event and establish particular points in space. VERTICAL linear element can also be used to define transparent VOLUMES OF SPACE.

How do you derive form in architecture?

Another useful way to develop your ideas, sketch out your concepts. Whether it is tiny elements of design detail, or general form of your building. Keep referring back to your sketches, as they may inspire a development of design.

What is the main basis of architecture?

Architectural design is primarily driven by the holistically creative manipulation of mass, space, volume, texture, light, shadow, materials, program, and Realistic elements such as cost, construction and technology, in order to achieve an end which is aesthetic, functional and often artistic

What is form design?

A form is an artist’s way of using elements of art, principles of design, and media. Form as an element of art is three-dimensional and encloses space. Like a shape, a form has length and width, but it also has depth. Forms are either geometric or free-form.

What is spatial tension in architecture?

Spatial tension – where the forms are within close proximity to one another. Edge to Edge – where the forms are sharing a common edge. Face to Face – where the forms have corresponding surfaces which are parallel to one another. Interlocking – where the forms are inter connected to one another.

What are the elements of architectural design?

When photographing buildings, the best approach is to make use of architecture design elements such as shape, line, color, pattern, texture, and space.

What is spatial tension?

SPATIAL TENSION” – moving in such a way that a line or curved is perceived by an observer to connect across space, making a link between two body parts (eg. a perceived line through the space from one hand to the other), or a perceived line or connect across space between two people, or a person and an object etc. (2010年1月26日

What is tension in design?

Tension, a balance maintained in an artistic work (such as a poem, painting, or musical composition) between opposing forces or elements; a controlled dramatic or dynamic quality. Tension. Art.

How do you show tension?


  1. Create a conflict crucial to your characters.
  2. Create engaging characters with opposing goals.
  3. Keep raising the stakes.
  4. Allow tension to ebb and flow.
  5. Keep making the reader ask questions.
  6. Create internal and external conflict.
  7. Create secondary sources of tension.
  8. Make the story unfold in a shorter space of time.

How do you represent tension?

Juxtaposing conflicting elements is one of the stronger ways to visually show tension. An ice cube next to the sun for example. The greater the conflict, the greater the tension. Similarly contrast can be used to create tension

Is unity a principle of design?

Unity is the principle of design that unifies all other principles within a piece of work, allowing each individual element to coexist with one another to form an aesthetically pleasing design. A designer must leverage all of the principles of design in order to successfully achieve unity

How is unity used in design?

Unity (also called harmony) is an important principle of design that gives the artwork a sense of cohesion or coherence. It is the wholeness or completeness of a picture. Unity and harmony in art are used by artists to tie a composition together and help the composition make sense as a whole piece of art

What is balance as a principle of design?

Balance is the distribution of the visual weight of objects, colors, texture, and space. If the design was a scale, these elements should be balanced to make a design feel stable. Such movement can be directed along lines, edges, shape, and color within the work of art.

How do you use balance in design?

Balance in design covers how the visual weight of elements are balanced with each other on both sides of a design to create cohesiveness, completion, and satisfaction. To achieve optimal balance, your composition should be balanced vertically, horizontally, diagonally, or background versus foreground

What are the 3 aspects of design?

In Emotional Design, Donald Norman describes three aspects of design: Visceral design (“concerns itself with appearances”), behavioral design (“has to do with the pleasure and effectiveness of use”), and reflective design (“considers the rationalization and intellectualization of a product”)

What are the 5 aspects of service design?

There are five major aspects of service design. These are service solutions, management information systems and tools, technology and management architectures and tools, processes and measurement systems.

What are the 5 basic elements of design?

Traditional way of looking at art, namely the visual arts, suggests that there are five basic elements of an art work – line, shape, color, texture and space

What are the 8 elements of design?

All visual designs are composed of eight elements (Point, Line, Shape, Form, Tone, Texture, Color, and/or Text). These elements are combined and arranged to create a desired visual appearance.

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