What are the combination of related traits that identify a specific culture group called?
What is a culture complex? the combination of related traits that identify a specific culture group. Often, human geographers study the diffusion and adaptation processes that occur within a single trait. Other times, human geographers will consider the diffusion of an entire culture complex.
Is hierarchical diffusion based on the geography of gender?
Hierarchical diffusion is based on the geography of gender. What is the branch of the study of place names? Ethnic groups do not originate in a specific location. The type of diffusion wherein people relocate to a new area and they bring to the new area all of their cultural complexes is called__________.
What type of diffusion involves a rapid and invasive diffusion of a trait through the culture group?
Contagious diffusion
What is the change that results from two culture groups coming into contact with one another called Group of answer choices?
The effects of culture contact are generally characterized under the rubric of acculturation, a term encompassing the changes in artifacts, customs, and beliefs that result from cross-cultural interaction.
What facilitates diffusion and political interaction between culture groups?
What facilitates diffusion and political interaction between culture groups? Language acts as a facilitator of culture. Ethnic religions are those that develop and attract people who are part of a specific cultural group, or who are from a specific location.
What are some examples of cultural diffusion in history?
Another example is the cultural diffusion from when over two million persecuted Jewish people fled Eastern Europe between 1881 and 1914 to live in Britain or the United States.
What is a modern example of cultural diffusion?
Through cultural diffusion, horizons are broadened and people become more culturally rich. For example, a woman living in Manhattan might purchase mala prayer beads used by Buddhist monks to focus on a breath or mantra.
How does cultural diffusion occur?
Cultural diffusion is the spread of ideas, beliefs, and goods from one place to another. When people from one culture interact with people from another, aspects of culture tend to spread from one place to another.
What is the impact of cultural diffusion?
The spread of diseases is another negative effect of cultural diffusion. Diseases such as AIDS , Smallpox , and the Bubonic Plague have killed millions of people as they were spread from one are to another. There have been many groups who, throughout history, have not welcomed the process of cultural diffusion.
What are some barriers and responses to cultural diffusion?
Both physical and social barriers can inhibit cultural diffusion. Physical barriers include natural characteristics of the earth such as deserts and mountains. Social barriers include human characteristics such as language, religion or a history of conflict.