What movie has the highest Rotten Tomatoes score?

What movie has the highest Rotten Tomatoes score?

Paddington 2

What is the lowest Rotten Tomatoes score ever?

These Are the Movies on Rotten Tomatoes With 0 Percent Ratings

  • Megaforce (1982); 0 percent. 20th Century Fox.
  • Staying Alive (1983); 0 percent. Paramount Pictures.
  • Bolero (1984); 0 percent. MGM.
  • The Slugger’s Wife (1985); 0 percent.
  • American Anthem (1986); 0 percent.
  • Jaws: The Revenge (1987); 0 percent.
  • Police Academy 4: Citizens on Patrol (1987); 0 percent.
  • Mac and Me (1988); 0 percent.

What rating did endgame get?


What is the Rotten Tomatoes score for Joker?


What mental illness does the Joker have?

In addition to pseudobulbar affect, Arthur demonstrates a constellation of symptoms of different kinds of mental illness, including erotomanic delusions, ideas of reference, and disorganized thinking. He also does not appear to take social cues, such as knowing when he is being mocked.22

Why Joker killed his mother?

Thankfully the twist is only carried on for a few scenes, as it’s finally broken when Arthur manages to confront Thomas by sneaking into one of his fancy galas. Thomas is furious and swiftly lets Arthur know that he and his mother never had an affair, and that he fired her because she was increasingly unstable.4

Who was Joker’s mother?

Penny Fleck

Who was Joker’s father?

Thomas Wayne

Who is Joker’s girlfriend?

Harley Quinn

Why did Harley and Joker break up?

They conveniently broke up off-screen after the events of 2016’s “Suicide Squad” movie. Harley doesn’t get into specifics, but if you’re familiar with their relationship, you know it’s a generally a toxic one with an emotionally abusive Joker.7

Who is Joker’s new girlfriend punchline?

ANTI-Harley Quinn

Did Harley Quinn kill the Joker?

The latest issue of Batman: Curse of the White Knight has made history with its shocking twist to Bruce Wayne’s family history, but that’s just the beginning.25

Did Harley Quinn and Joker have a baby?

Lucy Quinzel is the daughter of the Joker and Harley Quinn, and the niece of Delia Quinzel.

Why did Harley Quinn go crazy?

It is stated the reason Harley pursued psychiatry was to understand her own broken family. The character’s origin story relates that Harleen Quinzel was once a psychiatrist at Arkham Asylum and was assigned to treat the Joker.

Why did Harley Quinn Kiss Batman?

He thought she had water in her lungs, and was beginning mouth to mouth resuscitation. He did not know she was actually faking it, and so she kissed him. You could see immediately afterwards that he stopped, and acted disgusted as Harley laughed.

Who is Batman’s real love?


Is Joker in love with Batman?

The Joker admits to being in love with Batman and feeling a constant longing for Gotham’s protector to beat him and call him a “horror.” He adds that he can’t understand why his counterpart always chooses to love Catwoman over him.13

Did deadshot Miss Harley on purpose?

That’s easy, Deadshot didn’t shoot her. He deliberately missed the shot because he likes and trusts Harley a hell of a lot more than Waller. Harley knew he missed on purpose as well and that’s why she played along and pretended to have been hit only to do a little ta da flourish.

Has deadshot ever missed a shot?

When Floyd had an opening, he shot. As he shot, he leaned too hard on a branch, which snapped. Over the years, Deadshot became the greatest assassin in history, known for never missing (though he has missed – he was once hired to kill Batman, and obviously he failed).10

Did the Joker Die in Suicide Squad?

What Happened To Joker In 2016’s Suicide Squad? The good news was given by the director David Ayer to all the Joker fans, which state that he survived the helicopter crash! He is officially alive and maybe somewhere creating a mess, but he is out for Suicide Squad 2.

Why did the Joker make Harley Quinn jump in acid?

In the film, Dr. In the film, Harleen Quinzel voluntary jumps into a vat of acid that turns her into Harley Quinn on her own accord simply because her love and obsession for the Joker trounced her own vision of self-worth simply because the Joker asked her if she “would die for him.”1

What disorder does Harley Quinn have?

Everyone knows Harley Quinn as the Jokers’ girl, but how did she become Harley Quinn? Personality Disorder, specifically, Histrionic Personality Disorder plays a key part in Harley Quinn’s life.

What did joker call Harley Quinn?

He doesn’t really have a nickname for her like she does for him (Mister J, Puddin’). He’s called her “Harl”, “Harley-girl”, “Pumpkin Pie”, and “Pooh”.

What did joker fall into?

The Joker has undergone many revisions since his 1940 debut. The most common interpretation of the character is that he is disguised as the criminal Red Hood and pursued by Batman. The Joker falls into a vat of chemicals that bleaches his skin, colors his hair green and his lips red, and drives him insane.

What is the Joker’s IQ?

around 350

Did Joker kill Batman’s parents?

Joquin Phoenix’s Joker doesn’t kill Bruce Wayne’s parents outright, but he does create a lawless situation that basically causes it to happen. Toward the end of the movie, this version of the Joker has several Joker minions, and a guy in a Joker mask kills Thomas and Martha Wayne, in front of 10-year-old Bruce Wayne.3

What is Joker’s real name?

Jack Napier

Is Joker Batman brother?

Fleck’s mother Penny was a former employee at Wayne Enterprises and wrote letters to Thomas about their affair (he denied it). The revelation is left largely open-ended, but the implication Joker is the older brother of Bruce adds another dimension to the character’s relationship.4

Is Joker’s identity ever revealed?

As the Bat Family moves on beyond the various trauma that the Jokers inflicted on them Batman reveals that, as the World’s Greatest Detective, he deduced the true identity of the Joker within days after their initial encounter.2

Did the Joker kill Sophie?

The recently released Joker script reveals this information. Arthur did not kill Sophie. Instead, he gives her a pretty big fright, like he did to the rest of the world watching at home.30

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