What are the four distinct groups that form the advertising business?
There are 4 main categories of advertisers based on their geographic activities: local, regional, national, and transnational • Every year, advertisers spend billions of dollars in the United States.
What is an accurate description of general consumer agencies?
General consumer agencies: A. provide advertising for products that are used in the manufacture of consumer products.
What advantage is associated with the use of an independent advertising agency?
Often stereotyped simply as a cheaper alternative than the big multinationals, independent agencies are also more nimble, adaptable, original and unfiltered, cost-effective, responsive and entrepreneurial by nature. But those are just some of the tangible benefits.
When the advertising agency of Lopez and White purchased several hours of television time for its customers?
When the advertising agency of Lopez and White purchased several hours of television time for its customers’ commercials from KLOX-TV, the agency received 15 percent of the gross amount charged by the station.
What does an ad agency’s traffic department do?
The advertising traffic department has the responsibility of regulating the amount of work within the advertising agency. The advertising agency traffic department is responsible for making sure all production deadlines are met and work is delivered on time and is received by the media placing the advertising.
Do advertising agencies work for the media?
Most companies use an outside advertising agency to help them create advertising campaigns and to select and purchase media. Even companies with strong advertising departments use advertising agencies. Media department. Research department.
Who are the three largest agencies?
The first chart shows the largest departments: Defense, Health and Human Services, and Social Security. The three used to vie for top spot, but Defense has been left in the dust in recent years as the two entitlement-dispensing agencies have continued to grow.
Which agency has the largest number of employees?
U.S. Postal Service. Perhaps no federal government employee is as ubiquitous or recognizable as the mail carrier. With over 580,000 personnel, the U.S. Postal Service employs more people than any other independent government agency, with the Social Security Administration being a distant second.