Which of the following actions may be performed by an individual registered with finra with a series 6?

Which of the following actions may be performed by an individual registered with finra with a series 6?

A Series 6 license allows registered persons to sell mutual funds, new issues of closed-end funds, and variable products only.

Which of the following retail communications would require approval by the designated principal before it could be sent to clients?

Which of the following retail communications would require approval by the designated principal before it could be sent to clients? Advertising and sales literature sent to retail clients must be approved by the designated principal prior to use.

Who determines if an OTC stock is marginable?

Terms in this set (5) Who determines if an OTC stock is marginable? FRB-The Federal Reserve Board decides which non-exempt securities are marginable. The Fed has decided that all listed securities are marginable and over-the-counter securities which it approves are marginable.

Which of the following options communications sent to more than 25 prospective customers must be approved?

The best answer is D. Options communications that are distributed to more than 25 existing or prospective clients must be approved in writing prior to use by the designated Registered Options Principal (main office compliance ROP). Options correspondence is a communication to up to 25 existing or prospective clients.

Which statement is false about stabilizing bids?

Which statement is FALSE about stabilizing bids? Stabilization of new issue prices in the aftermarket is permitted under Regulation M. The bid cannot be placed until the effective date; it is not permitted during the 20-day cooling off period. The bid must be placed at, or below the Public Offering Price – never above.

Can a custodian sell calls?

Custodians can also sell covered calls against securities held in the custodial account to increase income. Issuers are prohibited from selling call options against their underlying stock.

How many years must customer account records be retained by a member?

three years

How long does the federal government require you to keep records of your brokerage transactions?

six years

What records must be kept for the life of a broker dealer firm?

Includes customer account records in addition to trading records such as blotters, general ledgers, security position records, and customer ledgers, among other things. Three years from an operative date.

How long must a financial advisor keep records?

five years

What is the minimum time period specified for which an investment adviser is required to maintain the specific records in physical or electronic format?

The records are to be preserved for a minimum period of five years. An investment adviser shall conduct yearly audit in respect of compliance with these regulations from a member of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India or Institute of Company Secretaries of India.

How long must communications be preserved to comply with Finra and SEC rules?

As outlined above, in order for broker-dealers to comply with SEC regulations under Rule 17a-4, they must retain electronic communications with customers, as well as all other communications germane to their business, for at least six years on non-rewriteable and non-erasable storage.

Which order is not required to be retained as a record by a broker dealer?

Which order is NOT required to be retained as a record by a broker-dealer? Subscription order pursuant to a rights offerings .

Who are blue sky laws regulated by?

While the SEC directly, and through its oversight of the FINRA and the various Exchanges, is the main enforcer of the nation’s securities laws, each individual state has its own securities laws and rules. These state rules are known as “Blue Sky Laws”.

Why is it called Blue Sky Law?

The term “blue sky law” is said to have originated in the early 1900s, gaining widespread use when a Kansas Supreme Court justice declared his desire to protect investors from speculative ventures that had “no more basis than so many feet of ‘blue sky. ‘”

What does Blue Sky mean in business?

an additional premium paid for goodwill

What is blue sky thinking?

Blue sky thinking refers to brainstorming with no limits. With this approach to idea generation, ideas don’t need to be grounded in reality. Also called big sky thinking, blue sky thinking is just one approach to creative thinking.

Does Apple use blue sky thinking?

The transformation of Apple is one of the most iconic examples of Blue-sky thinking. The company that had done well in the 1980s experienced a slump thereafter, so co-founder Steve Jobs, returned in 1997 as an advisor to help bring it get back on track.

How do you facilitate blue sky thinking?

Blue-sky thinking involves a group of people looking at an opportunity with fresh eyes. As a group, you could write down everyone’s ideas on a flip chart. Alternatively, people may be given sticky notes and asked to write down as many ideas as they can on each note before displaying them on a wall.

What is a blue sky strategy?

Blue Sky Strategy is a 5-Level Strategy that guides players how to systematically move from lower levels of competitive business to higher levels of differential business through harnessing talents, gifts and skills to disrupt the status quo and shape the future. Players focus on increasing their market share.

When the skies are blue quotes?

Blue Sky Quotes

  • Every time I see the sunshine in the bright blue sky, I cannot help but think how blessed I really am to see another day.
  • I never get tired of the blue sky.
  • Blue skies.
  • Green calm below, blue quietness above.
  • Beauty is and always will be blue skies and open highway.
  • Good-humor is the clear blue sky of the soul.

How do you do the blue sky exercise?

Participants are asked to take a look at their group, neighborhood, community, state, nation, and/or the world. They reflect on the way it is and then imagine the way they would like it to be. This activity encourages empathy, compassion, and self-expression.

How do I run an idea generation workshop?

Here are the key steps you’ll need to follow to ensure your ideation workshop is a success.

  1. Invite the right people.
  2. Designate a facilitator.
  3. Choose a suitable location.
  4. Prepare a list of “how might we” questions.
  5. Break the ice.
  6. Select your ideation techniques.
  7. Gather your ideas and outline next steps.

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