What could be the reason for cataracts in a 36 year old?

What could be the reason for cataracts in a 36 year old?

What could be the reason for cataracts in a 36-year-old client? Select all that apply. rationale: Glass workers are exposed to heat and metal powders for prolonged periods, which may increase their risk of developing cataracts.

Which occurrence is the main cause of cataract formation quizlet?

With aging, the lens gradually loses water and increases in density. This increased density occurs as older lens fibers are compressed and new fibers are produced in the outer layers. Lens proteins dry out and form crystals. As the density of the lens increases, it becomes opaque with a painless loss of transparency.

Which Psychophysiologic factors can influence communication between a nurse and a client select all that apply?

Growth and development and emotional status are two psychophysiologic factors that influence communication between a nurse and a client.

Why would the nurse establish moderately hard client centered goals?

Why does the nurse establish “moderately hard” client-centered goals? R: Healthcare providers generally design moderately hard client-centered goals because, if the goals are too hard to achieve, the client may give up before completely achieving them.

What should the nurse do if an abnormal finding has been assessed?

If any abnormal findings are identified, the nurse must ensure that appropriate action is taken. This may include communicating the findings to the medical team, relevant allied health team and the ANUM in charge of the shift.

Which example demonstrates humility in a critical thinker?

Accepting one’s lack of knowledge regarding stem cell transplantation and seeking opportunities for gaining further knowledge indicates humility. A nurse questioning the occurrence of pneumonia in a smoker indicates curiosity. A nurse asking a client about pain in detail reflects discipline.

What are the 7 critical thinking attitudes?

The seven skills are analyzing, applying standards, dis- criminating, information seeking, logical reasoning, predicting, and transforming knowledge.

What are some examples of critical thinking?

Critical thinking skills examples

  • Analytical thinking.
  • Good communication.
  • Creative thinking.
  • Open-mindedness.
  • Ability to solve problems.
  • Asking thoughtful questions.
  • Promoting a teamwork approach to problem-solving.
  • Self-evaluating your contributions to company goals.

Is critical thinking one word?

noun. disciplined thinking that is clear, rational, open-minded, and informed by evidence: The questions are intended to develop your critical thinking.

What are the skills of critical thinking?

The key critical thinking skills are: analysis, interpretation, inference, explanation, self-regulation, open-mindedness, and problem-solving.

How do you reason logically?

Your logical-reasoning skills are a complex weave of abilities that help you get someone’s point, generate reasons for your point, evaluate the reasons given by others, decide what or what not to do, decide what information to accept or reject, explain a complicated idea, apply conscious quality control as you think.

Do we need to practice critical thinking all the time?

Critical thinking is more than just important! It’s one of the most crucial cognitive skills one can develop. By practicing well-thought-out thinking, both your thoughts and decisions can make a positive change in your life, on both a professional and personal level.

Why do we need to reason logically?

Your most important critical thinking skill is your skill at making judgments─not snap judgments that occur in the blink of an eye, but those that require careful reasoning. High-quality reasoning is called logical reasoning or critical thinking. Logical reasoning skills can be learned and improved.

What is a logical person?

Reasoning or capable of reasoning in a clear and consistent manner. A very logical person.

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