delirium of capitalism. Jesus Ibáñez

El delirio del capitalismo. Jesús Ibáñez

From the perspective of a dialectic of liberation, the texts of Jesús Ibáñez, and the whole of his densísima and creative work are an effort to always seek a utopian place beyond the alienation of a society locked, from where to be able to understand critically and begin to transform the order of dominance is established. “It is not a place strictly achievable in any future empirical, but it is the place [he wrote Ibáñez circa 1978] from which can all be seen and desired all the possible futures aborted”. A place “in the margin to the center”, always beyond the alienation of capital and the State of sociology as a supposed science technocratic for the operation of the central power, homogenizing and repressive…

The Introduction, by Alfonso Ortí (p. 43)

The social order is founded on the silence of almost all. The masters monopolize the word. And in the family, in school, in church, in the factory, in the hospital, in the barracks, in the prison, we inoculated the word of the master (half shot, half poison: a barrier against the thought). Ideas almost dead they will never flourish.

Jesus Ibañez, The Country (27-June-1984): “Those ideas that no longer shall quake, the world”.

The work of Jesus Ibanez had two aspects well defined: a first one, composed by three main texts: beyond sociology (1979), Of the algorithm to the subject (1985) and the return of The subject (1990); and a second, formed by the analysis and essays published in magazines and newspapers, later collected posthumously in For a sociology of everyday life (1994), and against the tide (1997). If the academic books articulate a way to polycentric thinking of the society and the subject, based on the radicalism critic, which feeds on a great diversity of theories and practices intellectuals (from marxism to psychoanalysis, through hermeneutics, structuralism or symbolic interactionism), analytical work to interpret things and social facts, explaining the structures of political, economic and ideological, that sustain the whole social system specific.

The delirium of capitalism brings together various materials of this second aspect, whose importance lies in its understanding of the issues of the day, and in the power subversive of their explanations in order to transform them. The social events (the political nature of consumption, the uses of democracy, the significance of the housing, the logic of the media, the reason for the story, etc) are shown constructed by different devices and ideological power which produce its meaning. And such a process is given in a historical period: the end of the dictatorship and the beginning of parliamentary democracy between the years seventy and eighty. The result of the analytic operation that performs Ibáñez on things it is an enlightenment about the conditions of constitution of our capitalist society and its discovery as a field of battle.


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Brief review on Jesús Ibáñez

El delirio del capitalismo. Jesús Ibáñez
Jesus Ibanez was a Professor of Methods and Techniques of Social Research in the Faculty of Political Sciences and Sociology, Complutense University of Madrid, at the end of the fifties he co-founded the peoples Liberation Front (PLF) and was impeller, in 1977, of the Candidacy of Popular Unity, which sought —without success— to join small parties of the left (MC, LCR, ORT, PT, etc). He participated in several important and popular mobilizations, such as those that occurred against the building of the shopping centre La Vaguada, against the construction of the marsh of the Pas or against NATO. Developed the group discussion as an analytical technique and developed studies in the social research of second order.

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